1. treaty; pact; convention; agreement
Pitch accent
Composed of
article (in document); provision; stripe; streak; although; though
approximately; about; promise; appointment; shortening; reduction
Used in vocabulary (64 in total)
non-aggression pact; non-aggression treaty
Kellogg-Briand Pact (1928); Pact of Paris
international treaty
treaty of friendship
Warsaw Treaty Organization
Treaty of Versailles (1919)
Treaty of Versailles (1919)
security treaty (esp. US-Japan Security Treaty)
Washington Convention (i.e. Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora)
treaty of alliance
Treaty of Portsmouth (ending the Russo-Japanese War, 1905)
treaty of peace and amity; peace treaty
Treaty of Westphalia (1648)
treaty of commerce and navigation
signatory (country); party (to a treaty)
Maastricht Treaty (1992)
Treaty of Tianjin (1858, 1871, 1885)
Treaty of Nanking (1842)
Outer Space Treaty
Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons; Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty
Convention of Peking (1860)
provisional treaty
Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty; START
Treaty of Rome (treaty establishing the European Economic Community, 1957)
UN Convention on the Law of the Sea
Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees
Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty; NPT
Japan-Korea Annexation Treaty (1910)
Treaty of Saint Petersburg (1875); Russo-Japanese treaty in which Japan exchanged Sakhalin for the Kuril Islands
Treaty of Aigun (1858)
Hague Convention
United Nations convention
Vienna Convention (on Diplomatic Relations)
reciprocal treaty; treaty of reciprocity
Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter (1972); London Convention
Universal Copyright Convention
ANZUS Treaty (Australia, New Zealand and the United States)
safety of life at sea; SOLAS
Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (United Nations, 1948)
Treaty of San Stefano (ending the Russo-Turkish War, 1878)
United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea
Japan-Korea Annexation Treaty (1910)
Treaty on European Union (1993)
Convention on Biological Diversity; CBD
Treaty of Shimoda (1855); treaty initiating official relations between Russia and Japan
Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe; CFE
nonaggression pact; nonaggression treaty
Fissile Material Cutoff Treaty; FMCT
tax treaty; bilateral tax agreement
Examples (9 in total)
The treaty was signed.
The two countries negotiated a treaty.
The treaty bans the use of chemical weapons.