1. job; work; employment; occupation; position
2. duties
3. trade; skill
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (93 in total)
without an occupation; unemployed; jobless
dismissal; sacking; discharge
Examples (36 in total)
Thousands of people lost their jobs.
Tom finally got a job.
He got a position as a clerk.
Tommy did not want to run the risk of losing his job.
She got a position as a typist.
I am going to leave my present job.
He is worried about losing his job.
You should change your job if the occasion arises.
It is important for him to get the job.
What would you do if you lost your job?
He soon left the new job.
Anyone who protested, lost his job.
Daniel got a good job.
Many people applied for the position.
He was able to get work in that town.
He's resigned his position as chairman of the committee.
She got a part-time job as a typist.
I hope he will succeed in his new position.
The consequence was that she lost her job.
Ought he to be forced out of the presidency?
Millions of workers lost their jobs.
He was the strongest candidate for the position.
Job security is a priority over wages.
After I graduated from college, I got a job with my father's company.
Barry Taylor's name has been put forward for the post of chairman.
There were a good many candidates for the position.
Many people will lose their jobs due to the slump in the auto industry.
Persons with special skills can easily get jobs.
We're confident that you are up to the challenge of the new position.
If you should be late again, you'll lose your job.
She capitalised on her father's connections in getting her present job.
I persuaded him to resign the post.
He supposed he could always quit the job in the last resort.
When the school needed a new teacher, he applied for the position.
The man held on to his job stubbornly and would not retire.
When she was in Los Angeles, she had at least six different jobs.