1. job; work; employment; occupation; position
2. duties
3. trade; skill
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (88 in total)
without an occupation; unemployed; jobless
management; managerial position; administrative post; person in a managerial position
public office
craftsman; artisan; tradesman; worker; workman
occupation; profession; job; vocation; trade; calling
change of occupation; career change
type of occupation; occupational category
side job (outside of one's main employment); side gig; part job (carried out at home); home industry; (secretly) working on something unrelated to the class (or conference, etc.) one is attending
employment separation; leaving one's job; losing one's job
staff member; employee; worker; personnel
one's post; place of work; workplace
post; official position; managerial position; executive position
principal occupation; main job; professional; an expert; I (of a government official, etc.); me
chief priest (of a Buddhist temple)
vocation; lifework; sacred task (esp. the emperor's rule over the nation); prostitute of the second-highest class (Edo period)
important post; important office; key position
Shinto priest; Shinto priesthood
government service; official position; civil service
present post; current office; (an) incumbent
one's duty; vocation
the teaching profession; education of laity
professional job; profession
one's duty; responsibilities pertaining to one's work
occupational ability; function; role
leisurely post; do-nothing job; sinecure
dismissal; sacking; discharge
honorary position
spirit of a true artisan; (a craftsman's) pride in one's work
questioning (e.g. by police)
family trade; family business; steward (of an estate)
disciplinary dismissal (discharge)
office job; clerical work
last position; previous job; predecessor
sacred profession; holy orders; vocation; ministry
responsible position
work experience; work history
official duties; office; function
regular position; position with a prospect of promotion
clerical position (e.g. in the civil service); general office work
being in office
employment position or rank
official title; name of one's job
the same occupation; the said occupation
office organization; office organisation; management; managerial post
range of one's work; one's area of responsibility; range of one's duties; place of one's work
former job; former position
discharge; dismissal
holding another position; serving concurrently as; concurrent position
military profession; military post
prominent or high post
honorable post; honourable post
construction worker (who works at heights); scaffolding builder; firefighter (Edo period)
this duty; this task; this job; I (as the person in charge of this task)
being learned; being knowledgeable; having great artistic talent; being a skilled performer; being well-versed in usages or practices of the court or military households
maker of metallic ornaments
lowly government servant; humble government servant; I; me
subordinate post
special position in the civil service (exempted from application of the Local Public Service Act)
not employed; holding a post but having no duties
workplace and residence
daytime work (as opposed to work in the nighttime entertainment business or sex industry)
board of chamberlains
ordination; appointment to a post
busy job; exhausting work
man dressed like an artisan; man of workmanlike appearance
Board of Ceremonies (part of the Imperial Household Agency)
night work (in the entertainment business or sex industry)
employed person
official seal
tatami maker
management level; job level
blue-collar work
job that requires traveling to work sites (e.g. repairman, gardener)
Imperial Household Agency employee assigned to the household of the Crown Prince
appointment to an official post
sedentary work
you; high-ranking government official
party position; party post
appointed official sent to administer a certain region (in the Ryukyu Kingdom)
remaining in office
mainly; principally; chiefly; for the most part
Examples (36 in total)
Thousands of people lost their jobs.
Tom finally got a job.
He got a position as a clerk.