1. occupation; profession; job; vocation; trade; calling; business
Pitch accent
Composed of
job; work; duties; trade; skill
work; business; company; study
Used in vocabulary (23 in total)
occupational disease
professional sense
due to the nature of one's job; because of one's line of work
Examples (25 in total)
What is her profession?
What's your occupation?
He is a lawyer by profession.
This profession requires experience.
What's your wife's job?
There are many careers open to women.
Has John decided on a career yet?
Mr Smith is a doctor by profession.
Vocational schools were set up one after another.
It was a profession of his own choosing.
He chose painting as a career.
Tom should've chosen a different job.
He is engaged in an occupation of his own choice.
Teaching is a profession of my own choosing.
Job security became a major worry.
Strictly speaking, he is not qualified for the job.
Abraham Lincoln's father was a carpenter by trade.
He wanted to make singing a career.
I decided to make medicine my vocation.
Teaching English is his profession.
Politics is perhaps the only profession for which no preparation is thought necessary.
He maintained that all occupations should be open to women.
Don't discriminate against people based on nationality, gender, or occupation.
It is hoped that this new policy will create jobs on a large scale.
I am a dancer by trade and I teach jazz dance.