Verb (1-dan, transitive)
1. to believe; to believe in; to place trust in; to confide in; to have faith in
Kanji used
Pitch accent
Top 300
Composed of
honesty; sincerity; trust; reliance; (religious) faith; devotion
Used in vocabulary (2 in total)
to come to believe
Examples (200 in total)
I want to believe that.
Believe me!
I believe it too.
Believe in yourself.
I want to believe.
I don't believe this.
Do you believe in love?
Do you really believe that?
I can't believe you.
Do you believe in fairies?
Do you believe in vampires?
It's hard to believe.
Don't you trust the weathermen?
I don't believe in hypnosis.
I can't believe that.
Don't you believe me?
I don't believe that story.
I believe you.
I couldn't believe what I was seeing.
Are you a believer?
I believe in magic.
I firmly believe.
Why don't you believe me?
I really want you to believe me.
I don't believe anyone anymore.
I just can't believe they're getting married.
I can't believe it's raining again.
Do you believe in fate?
I believe it to be true.
Do you believe in God?
It is believed that she is a genius.
Do you believe in miracles?
I don't believe this theory.
Do you really believe in that stuff?
I don't believe in friendship anymore.
It's not easy to believe.
You ought not to believe him.
Oh please, believe me.
I believe him to be intelligent.
I believe in rising early.
Ben was believed to be a criminal.
She's unbelievably naive.
Do you believe in love at first sight?
We believe in democracy.
Can you believe what he said?
He couldn't believe his own eyes.
What led you to believe so?
This story is believed to be true.
I never believed that.
He doesn't believe in God.
She always believes me.
We believe in the existence of God.
How did you come to believe that?
Why didn't you believe me?
I've always trusted your judgment.
I believe you are honest.
Do what you believe is right.
The rumor is believed to be true.
You trust people too much.
Believe me once in a while.
It's naive of you to believe that.
His story is strange, but it's believable.
You can believe his report to a certain degree.
I can't believe you're eating what the doctor told you not to eat.
Do you believe in ghosts?
People believe what they see.
It is believed that he will win the race.
It was silly of you to trust them.
He believed that the earth was round.
I can't believe three years has already gone by.
Everything will be fine, just believe in yourself!
They say that seeing is believing.
Do you believe in any religion?
He didn't believe it at first.
There's no reason to believe it.
You have to trust your instincts.
She is believed to be from China.
We believed that the news is true.
Nobody will believe that rumor.
It is believed that all men are equal.
He believes in life after death.
The old lady believes him rich.
It is believed that he was a brave soldier.
Do you believe in Santa?
Mary believes in the power of love.
It is believed that Mary is good at tennis.
Lots of superstitions are still believed in.
I believe him an American.
Dan believed in Linda's innocence.
I believe in the immortality of the soul.
I don't know what to believe anymore.
I don't believe him any longer.
This is believed to be the place where he died.
I don't know who to trust anymore.
I believe in what they said.
Don't believe what she says.
We all couldn't believe it.
He could not believe his ears.
Why do you believe others' words?
She believes her son is still alive.
Take a look at it if you don't believe me!
I don't have much belief in his abilities.
He believed the merchant entirely.
He still believes her words.
I believed him to be in good health.
It was stupid of me to believe that!
It is generally believed that money brings happiness.
I can't believe that it's been more than a year.
I don't believe the things he says at all.
Everybody needs something to believe in.
She soon came to believe him.
Almost no one believed him.
You have only to believe him.
Even specialists do not understand this incredible accident.
If I told you I loved you, would you believe me?
I wasn't able to believe him at first.
He doesn't believe me at all.
I believe people are basically good.
I have a firm belief in his innocence.
Everyone would like to believe that dreams can come true.
I believed that he would keep his promise.
Honesty, I believe, is the best policy.
It is believed that whales have their own language.
"No one will ever believe that." "Well, Tom believed me."
Christ is believed to have worked many miracles.
The child believes that the earth is flat.
How old were you when you stopped believing in Santa Claus?
Whatever you may say, I don't believe you.
They didn't believe us at first, but now they do.
I believed every word he said.
If he believes in god, I'll believe in the devil.
Almost no one believed her.
You may not believe it, but it is nonetheless true.
I, for one, don't believe what she said.
I believe what is written in her letter.
Some believed his story, and others did not.
I have never believed in wars.
I don't doubt that she is married.
I trust we understand each other.
My belief is that you are right.
I believe whatever he says.
Children will believe what their parents tell them.
There are many people who believe that God exists.
We believed that the earth moves round the sun.
I could never make him believe what I said.
I believe it my duty to protect these children.
There are sufficient grounds for believing he is honest.
I can't accept this theory.
I am sure this book will be of great use to you.
Many parents believe that there is too much violence on TV.
He cheated her into believing it was true.
He believes that there is a spy among us.
Don't believe everything you hear.
His story was too ridiculous for anyone to believe.
After a while, she began to believe her own lies.
It was believed that the emperor's position was bestowed by the gods.
The treasure is believed to lie hidden somewhere in the mountain.
Tom believes that there will be a big blackout soon.
They must be crazy to believe such nonsense.
Quite a number of people still believe it.
They believed that it must be a new element.
They believe their country is secure against foreign enemies.
This story might sound unbelievable but it is true.
You won't believe what I just saw.
He could not bring himself to believe her story.
People who go to church apparently believe in existence of God.
I have no idea to what extent I can trust them.
I appeared on television once, but nobody believes me.
What an incredible amount of work he has done!
If you tell too many lies, people won't ever believe you.
He must be stupid to believe such a thing.
The cook was astonished at his incredible appetite.
We believe there was an accident at the corner two days ago.
Believing in God is not evil in itself.
They led me to believe that there was no danger.
John is a strong believer in fresh air.
I don't believe Naomi. I think she's lying.
They say he is guilty, but I believe the contrary.
If you don't believe me, go see for yourself.
I can't believe that this is happening. Please tell me that it's a lie!
You may not believe this, but I don't drink at all.
Everyone believes his story since there is no evidence to the contrary.
I don't believe the child came to Tokyo alone.
No one is so foolish as to believe what he says.
Who that believes in God would do such a thing?
I can't believe it, my bike isn't here! Did somebody steal it? I'm going to be late for class!
Even if pigs were to fly in the air, I would believe her.
He advised me not to believe what she says.
The sun sends out an incredible amount of heat and light.
I talked a long time, and I managed to make her believe me.
Nobody believed he stood a chance of winning the match.
The policeman did not believe my story, and I thought it was no good arguing with him.
He believed that blacks could win their fight for equal rights without violence.
Whatever story I tell, Mother believes me.
If you don't believe me, go and see it for yourself.
I have every reason to believe that he is innocent of the crime.
Seven is believed to be a lucky number.
Believe it or not, I can actually draw.
The girl is two years old, believe it or not.
They believed it necessary to have great contests every four years.