Verb (する)
1. (religious) faith; belief; creed
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (16 in total)
believer; devotee; follower; adherent; convert; disciple
(religious) piety; faith; devotion
religious; spiritual
folk beliefs; folk religion
life of faith; religious life
lack of faith; unbelief; impiety; infidelity
lack of religion; irreligion; atheism
mountain worship; religion that worships mountains as sacred
profession of faith
cult of Inari; worship of the deity Inari
articles of faith
faith in the power of language; belief that reality is affected by the spoken word; speaking of a lucky (or unlucky) event will bring it about
belief in the next world; belief in the hereafter
Examples (13 in total)
Do you believe in Christianity?
Faith can move mountains.
We believe in Buddhism.