1. forest
2. shrine grove
esp. 杜
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (12 in total)
tawny owl (Strix aluco); brown owl
Aomori (city, prefecture)
deep in the forest
Examples (79 in total)
There was nothing but forest as far as the eye could see.
The forest was silent then.
The forest was covered with snow.
Birds were singing in the woods.
I saw a rabbit in the forest.
He passed through the woods.
They roamed about the forest.
The woods were clothed in autumn leaves.
Silence reigned in the forest.
It was quiet in the forest.
I caught sight of a flock of sheep in the forest.
He lives in the forest alone.
The church is surrounded by woods and lakes.
Do mushrooms grow in this forest?
I went to the woods to collect some logs.
The children got lost in the woods.
He lived alone in the forest.
The silence in the forest is restful.
They went into the woods for a picnic.
There stands a cottage close to the forest.
The man was hiding in a dense forest.
This forest is full of diversity.
It became quiet again in the forest.
Don't play in the forest after dark.
I walk in the forest every day.
They tried to collect wood from the forest.
It's a pity that Mr. Mori can't come to see us.
She was afraid to pass through the woods.
There are many birds in this forest.
You can see many animals in this forest.
I was bitten by a lot of insects in the forest.
It is believed that ghosts exist in this forest.
I like taking a walk in the forest.
One day she met a wolf in the woods.
We didn't see many deer in the forest.
The forest fire began to spread in all directions.
This is the first time I've ever parked my car in the forest.
Yesterday, we saw a big wolf in the forest.
There are many snakes in this forest.
The east side of this town is all forest.
The boy got lost in the forest.
We spread out and began to search through the woods.
There are many wild animals in this forest.
The forest was in flames for three days.
There lived an old couple in the woods.
The birds were singing in the forest.
You can't see the forest for the trees.
He was left all alone in the woods.
Because of these trees, he can't see the forest.
The children's laughs spread throughout the forest.
Little girls are dancing in the woods.
In the woods they found themselves in danger.
You can see some wild rabbits in the forest.
Suddenly, a pack of wolves appeared in the clearing.
Owl chicks are the most beautiful in the forest.
Water, forests, and minerals are important natural resources.
Woods grow greener in the spring.
He lost his sense of direction in the dark woods.
Japan is a group of islands with many mountains and almost no forests.
The forest is full of birds and animals of all kinds.
He found a dog abandoned in the woods.
Does she dare to go into the forest?
Judging from those facts, Mr Mori must be a wealthy person.
At noon they lay down in a forest to rest.
It's fun to follow the path through the woods.
Mary picked some strawberries in the forest to make strawberry jam.
She slowly disappeared into the foggy forest.
She went into the woods in search of her lost child.
The hunter went deep into the forest, never to return.
Tom found an injured bird in the forest and nursed it back to health.
The treasure is still in the forest, where it is buried under a tree.
He went hunting in the woods.
There are oak trees in this forest.
Mr Koizumi succeeded Mr Mori as prime minister.
We saw an old hut standing at the margin of the forest.
The river winds through the forest.
We went hunting in the forest and caught two deer yesterday.
I like to go to a cabin in the woods to enjoy solitude.
Two little squirrels, a white squirrel and a black squirrel, lived in a large forest.