Verb (5-dan, す, transitive)
1. to use up; to exhaust; to run out of
Verb (5-dan, す, intransitive)
2. to devote oneself (to); to do one's utmost (for); to serve; to work (for a cause)
Verb (5-dan, す)
3. to do to exhaustion; to do completely; to do fully
after masu stem of verb
Kanji used
completely exhaust
Pitch accent
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Used in vocabulary (6 in total)
to leave nothing undone; to do all in one's might; to do everything possible
to burn completely; to consume (by fire); to burn to nothing; to burn to the ground; to reduce to ashes
to say everything one wants to say; to exhaust a topic
to be all out; to exhaust
to sell out; to exhaust one's stock
to do everything in one's power; to do all one can; to leave nothing undone; to exhaust one's resources