1. shallows; shoal
2. rapids; current; torrent
3. position; place
4. chance; opportunity
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (16 in total)
strait; channel
ship-to-ship cargo transfer; off-shore delivery (into smaller boats)
shallow river; shallows; flatboat; river boat
swift current; rapids
chance; opportunity; lucky break
rapids; shallows of a river
the year end; end of the year; last days of the year
predicament; one's ground; one's position
to descend the rapids
sea current
life has its ups and downs; he who falls today may rise tomorrow
drying up (of the surface of a riverbed)
many torrents; many rapids
Seta Station (Shiga)
Yunose Dam
Hitotsuse Dam
Examples (1 in total)
Doctor Hirose is engaged in AIDS research.