1. adult (esp. person 20 years old or over); grownup
Verb (する)
2. becoming an adult; coming of age; growing up (to be a man, woman)
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (11 in total)
adult male; man
coming-of-age ceremony
adult female; woman
Examples (11 in total)
I have a grown daughter.
Tom has a grown daughter.
Henry will become an adult this March.
She was born in America and grew up in Japan.
My grown-up son is studying abroad now.
Now you've come of age, you have the right to vote.
Most young adults enjoy going out at night.
The opinion poll was based on a random sample of adults.
This story is for adults, so children won't enjoy it.
In Japan, people legally become adults at the age of twenty.
In most Western countries, young people come of age at 18 or 21.