1. government; administration
Pitch accent
Composed of
rule; government
(metropolitan) prefecture (of Osaka and Kyoto); the centre or seat (of) (center); (government) office; fu; historical administrative unit in China, Korea and Vietnam
Used in vocabulary (52 in total)
federal government (e.g. USA, Australia, Mexico, Germany, Canada)
Japanese government
new government; new administration
Examples (71 in total)
They have elected a new government.
The army took over the government.
The government has been reforming education.
Our government doesn't care about us.
The people set up a new government.
The government turned down the request.
The government provided us with food.
The government makes us pay tax.
The policy of the government was criticized by the opposition party.
The government is running its largest deficit ever.
The American Government declared a state of emergency.
The public at large are dissatisfied with the present government.
Public opinion polls are barometers of confidence in the government.
The government has declared its intention to reduce taxes.
We studied the government's economic policy.
Rice prices are regulated by the government.
The well being of the nation is the government's responsibility.
Postal services are a government monopoly.
The government of that country is now stable.
The British government is against the plan.
In Japan we may criticize the government freely.
The government of this country oppresses its people.
The two countries were united under one government.
He attacked the government's policy in his speech.
The government is determined to put an end to terrorism.
The government rationed meat during the war.
In that country the government controls prices.
The government started a program to promote industry.
The government of the Inca Empire controlled everything.
Human rights groups are putting pressure on authoritarian governments.
The government and industry are cooperating to fight pollution.
Reducing the budget deficit is a major concern of the government.
We oppose the government on this matter.
Students have been protesting against the government's decision.
The government is trying to bring things back to normal.
A stable economy is the aim of every government.
The students rebelled against the government.
Japan recognized the new government of that country.
The new government promised to rid the country of corruption.
The agreement was a product of compromise between the two governments.
He has some acquaintance with the government people.
In a democracy, the people elect their government officials directly.
Tyrannical governments frequently imprison their political opponents.
This looks like another government cover-up.
The government appointed Mr Brown ambassador to Peru.
We need more effective price controls by the Government.
Your ideas about the government are different from mine.
The government appointed a committee to investigate the accident.
The government has set up a committee to look into the problem.
The industry is heavily dependent on government funding.
The government is bringing in a new bill on this matter.
The government prohibits us from carrying guns without a license.
The newspaper called for the government to stop inflation.
My career in the government includes many overseas assignments.
There is a rumor that the radicals are plotting against the government.
It's about time the government did something about pollution.
The government didn't take appropriate measures to prevent the infection from spreading.
Why does the US government let people have guns?
And we know the government can't solve every problem.
I took these statistics from a government white paper on education.
The amount of money the government earns in taxes determines the amount of money it can spend on welfare.
He argues that the administration must look for alternative sources of revenue.
If necessary, the government will force estate agents to reduce land prices.
The government has made efforts to make our country clean and green.
The U.S. government is to impose two of the sanctions against those countries.
People 65 and above get a pension from the government.
The government watched the activities of radical groups carefully.
Japan was the world's largest donor of ODA in 1991.
The government ordered that the price of soap be reduced by two pence.
In the 1960's, Japanese college students demonstrated against their government.
There were demonstrations against the government by Japanese university students in the 1960's.