1. living; being alive
2. freshness; liveliness; vitality
3. situation in which a group of stones cannot be captured because it contains two or more gaps (in go)
4. stet; leave as-is (proofreading)
usually イキ
5. damned
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (36 in total)
living thing; living creature; animal; life
in a lively way; vividly; freshly; animatedly; actively; energetically
fresh (e.g. fish); lively; spirited; animated
living body; flesh and blood; fresh fish
fresh (e.g. fish); lively; spirited; animated
fresh (e.g. fish); lively; spirited; animated
still having slim chances of victory
fresh (e.g. fish); lively; spirited; animated
fresh (e.g. fish); lively; spirited; animated
live; living
longevity; long life
attitude to life; form of existence; way of life
survival; survivor; relic
reason for living; something one lives for; purpose in life; raison d'être
way of life
life and death; life or death
zest for living; energy to live
lifelong separation
hell on earth; living hell
lifelike; exact resemblance
all living things; all God's creatures, great and small
dishonor during one's life; shame experienced during one's life
living witness
live bait
lifelike doll
walking encyclopedia; walking dictionary
live horse; living horse
sashimi prepared from live fish, arranged in its original shape
way of life; how to live
fasting fish for several days to preserve flavour and quality (and reduce mortality during transport); killing fish in a fishtank (immediately before cooking); fish killed in a fishtank
fresh-frozen (e.g. fish); quickly frozen
can't survive (without ...)
live fish
death and life; death or life; death