1. life; existence
2. (one's) working life; career
3. life force; lifeblood; soul; essence
Pitch accent
Composed of
life; living
order; command; life; destiny; fate
Used in vocabulary (24 in total)
vitality; (one's) life force
lifeline; matter of life or death; indispensable thing; life line (in palm reading)
Examples (26 in total)
When did life come into being?
Food is necessary for life.
The sun is essential to life.
Water is indispensable to life.
Is there life on other planets?
I was in danger of losing my life.
The typhoon claimed many lives.
Nuclear war will bring life on this planet to an end.
War is destruction of human life.
The mystery of life is beyond human understanding.
The egg is a universal symbol of life and rebirth.
Individual freedom is the soul of democracy.
His life is in my hands.
Zoology and botany deal with the study of life.
I think his life is in danger.
The battle was won at the price of many lives.
The sun is the eternal source of light, heat, and life.
Doctors and nurses must preserve life at all costs.
The victory was won at the cost of many lives.
Why did you do such a foolish thing at the risk of your life?
Both air and water are indispensable for life.
What doctors should do is to save lives and fight against death.
The God who gave us life, gave us liberty at the same time.
He isn't such a fool as to risk his life.
I owe what I am today to Dr. Brown, who saved my life.
I'm a deeply religious man and believe in life after death.