1. spirit; sprite; nymph
2. energy; vigor (vigour); strength
3. fine details
4. semen
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (80 in total)
the best one can do; one's best effort; with all one's might; to the best of one's ability
spirit; soul; ghost
fine; minute; detailed; meticulous; precise
to exert oneself
to work hard; to work diligently
fertilization; fertilisation; impregnation; pollination; insemination
elite; best; pick; cream of the crop
to work hard; to make an effort
precise; exact; detailed; accurate; minute; close
elaborate; delicate; exquisite
being well versed (in); being well acquainted (with); being familiar (with); (a boy's) first ejaculation; spermarche; semenarche
essence; kernel; spirit; pith
semen drinking; semen swallowing
refined sugar
mind; spirit; attitude; mentality; spirit (of a matter); essence
precision; accuracy
emotional strength; force of will
refining; purification
energy; vigor; vigour; vitality
(mind and) spirit; life energy; vitality; essence
exact calculation; squaring of accounts; adjustment
(ethyl) alcohol; spirits of wine
spirituality; spiritual nature
picked troops; elite soldiers; crack troops
detailed and accurate; exhaustive and precise; meticulous; finely detailed
soul; spirit
(good quality) meat; processed meat; small goods
essence; quintessence; flower; glory
energy; vitality; mental determination
precision machinery; precision machine; precision tool; precision tools; precision equipment
to use up all of one's energy and willpower; to be exhausted (and have no will to go on)
water spirit; water nymph; naiad
dryad; tree spirit
wood alcohol; the spirit of a tree
wind egg; unfertilized egg; unfertilised egg
vas deferens; seminal duct; spermatic duct
fertilized egg
spirit of a flower
careful selection
refining; polishing (of rice)
refining process
purity; unselfishness
to have an involuntary emission of semen
aphrodisia; stimulation (sexual)
fire spirit; salamander (mythical fire lizard)
ejaculate volume; semen volume
fineness or coarseness; minuteness or roughness
refined sugar; sugar refining
refinement (e.g. of alcohol); rectification
to toil; to labor industriously
polished rice; uncooked white rice
supreme beauty; exquisiteness
refined salt
seminiferous tubule
to be exhausted; to be out of energy
semen drinking; semen swallowing
refined or finished goods
detailed exposition
hard-working farmer or agriculturalist
refined copper
utmost purity
to make a great effort; to exert oneself
essence of mint
refined sugar
psychosomatic medicine
spermatic cord
myths of asexual conception from natural objects
detailed explanation