1. -made; make
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (87 in total)
drafting; drawing
book making (binding, publishing)
manufacturing method; recipe; formula
stuffing; mounting; stuffed animal
tea processing
wooden; made of wood
manufacture; production
reproduction; duplication; reprinting
manufactured goods; finished goods; product
made of metal
made of iron
medicine manufacture; drug manufacture
smoked food; smoking (fish, meat, etc.); smoked
refining; purification
manufacture; production
manufacturer; producer
leather; leather-bound; leathern
confectionery production
made of silver
(made of) steel
iron manufacture
made of cloth
(made of) plastic
papermaking; paper manufacture
made in Japan; Japanese-made
manufacturing equipment; production machine; maker
made of steel
made from paper
made from paper
paper (manufacturing) industry
made of copper
made of steel
steel manufacture
stone; made of stone
plastic (usu. of bags); vinyl
made of aluminum (aluminium)
made of bamboo
cold dish (e.g. at a restaurant)
spinning; silk reeling; filature
noodle making
formulation (of pharmaceuticals); preparation; pharmaceutical production
salt making
British made; made in Britain
manufacture; preparation; execution (an order)
poem or song written by the emperor
made of gold
clay; earthen
trial manufacture (cultivation, etc.)
making on the spot
sugar manufacture
crude construction; crude manufacture
bread making
in-house production
plate-making (printing)
made by oneself; homemade
pharmaceutical industry
can manufacturing; boiler manufacturing
made by one's (own) company
product; manufactured material
remanufacture; reconditioning
ice house; ice compartment; ice-making room
privately-made (esp. postcard, mailing card, etc.); commercially-made; non-government; unofficial
superior make; luxury binding
bag manufacturing
made by hitting (e.g. striking stone flakes from a tool stone); made using lithic reduction
establishing (a new family register); compiling (an electoral register, a list of school-age children, etc.)
imitation; forgery; copy
ordinary make
former manufacture; former make
re-drawing up (of family register); re-establishment
domestic; of domestic manufacture
processed meat
flaxen; linen
product number
finest quality; specially made
film making; membrane production
dairy production (butter, cheese, etc.)
rendering plant for livestock carcasses
Examples (11 in total)
That dress is made of silk.
These boots were made in Italy.
This product is made in Italy.