1. stone
2. jewel; precious stone
3. flint (in a lighter)
4. stone (in go)
5. stone (in the bladder, kidney etc.); calculus
6. rock (in rock-paper-scissors); stone
Pitch accent
Top 23600
Used in vocabulary (135 in total)
paving stone; pavement
Ishikawa (prefecture)
crossbow (incl. large models operated by a number of people); netted apparatus atop a wall containing large stones, which were dropped onto attackers by cutting the net; slingshot; catapult
whetstone; grindstone
stone; rock; pebble
large stone; boulder; large group of stones (in the game of go)
go stone; go piece
stone paving; cobble paving; stone steps; check (pattern); pavé; rectangular dessert (usu. made from chocolate or several layers of sponge cake)
pebble; round stone; boulder
ferrule (of a cane, umbrella, etc.); butt end (of a lance, pike, etc.); hard tip (of a mushroom stem)
stone hut; rock chamber
stone mortar; millstone; quern
sweet potatoes baked in hot stones or pebbles
quarrying (stone); quarryman; stonecutting; stonemasonry; stonecutter
stone wall
broken stones; rubble
stepping stone
throwing stone; sling stone; slingshot; pellet; pebble; small rock
tombstone; gravestone
porcelain; baking by means of hot stones or pebbles
milestone; stone signpost; standing stone (e.g. in garden); menhir
inkstone; stone used to make an inkstone
obstinate person; stubbornness; pigheadedness; hard head (like a rock)
stony mountain
lifting stone
stone statue of Jizo (often found along roads); taciturn person; person uninterested in romance
man of incorruptible character
(made of) stone; stone-built
bluish stone; greenish stone; blue-tinged tuff
base-stone; plinth stone; stone that serves as a pedestal for a pillar
stone wall; dry wall; rocky cliff; stone precipice
jail made by placing bars across a cave entrance; cave prison
cat's-eye (semiprecious stone)
cornerstone; foundation stone
copestone; cope; coping stone; capping stone; capstone
white stone; white (go pieces)
(flight of) stone steps; stone stairway
philosopher's stone
pebble; small stone
stepping stones; stone skipping; ducks and drakes
stone lantern
curb (stone); kerb
curb (stone); kerb
garden stone
weight stone (placed on pickles)
stone dealer
throwing stones; slingshot; sling
quarry; stone pit
black stone; black (go pieces)
boulder; cobble
fluorite; fluorspar
hewn stone; quarried stone; ashlar; flagstone
stony path; stony road
stone paving; stone paved area
pumice stone; loose rock; loose stone; floating group (in the game of go); group without a base
form of hopscotch in which the player kicks a stone through the course
stone pedestal
heated stone
stone slab; flagstone
gemstones (apart from diamond, e.g. ruby, sapphire, etc.); colored stone
hot stone; heated stone
come hell or high water
pebbles; gravel; boulder formed from gravel and sediment
perseverance prevails; (lit.) three years on a (cold) stone (will make the stone warm)
come hell or high water
Ishikari stew; salmon stew; salmon and vegetable stew with miso and butter
stone image of people
lesson learned from someone's else mistake; object lesson; food for thought; (lit.) stones from other mountains (can be used to polish one's own gems)
stone dust; feldspar dust; limestone powder
semi-precious stone; ornate stone; embellished stone
glacial erratic; erratic boulder
ammonite (traditional name)
philosopher's stone
tigereye; tiger's-eye
grain (of rock); rift
knife sharpener; whetstone
stone knife (Jomon-period tool, shaped like a rice spoon)
important stone in a construction
crushed rock; macadam
upper millstone
special leather belt used in ceremonial court dress, covered in black lacquer and decorated with stones and jewels
roadside stone distance indicators placed at intervals of one chō (approx. 109 meters)
keystone; sphene
nether millstone
stone tree
Rosetta stone
stone with oil-like lustre (luster); coal; charcoal
come hell or high water
there are exceptions to every rule; (lit.) rocks will flow and leaves will sink
unprocessed stone; rubble
captured pieces (in the game of go); captured stones
skipping stones (on a body of water); skimming stones
stone weight
stone weights on pickle-tub covers
graptolite (extinct Paleozoic era invertebrate)
kanji "stone" radical at left
stone curlew; thick-knee (Burhinus oedicnemus)
stone(s) used to weigh down a fishing net
stone centipede (Lithobiomorpha spp.)
stone used as a marker for hundred times worship
small-toothed jobfish (Aphareus furca)
Cobitis takatsuensis (species of loach)
ground stone tool from the late Jomon period (named after its similarity to the Buddhist tokko)
quarry stone; unprocessed stone
date shell (Lithophaga curta); date mussel
horse; block of rock completely separated from the surrounding rock either by mineral veins or fault planes
stonemason; mason; master stonemason
a rolling stone gathers no moss
voussoir; arch-stone; ring stone
small pieces of stone used to make terrazzo, etc.; seed stone (othello)
wedge-shaped stone used in stone walls; square stone narrowing at one end
Ishii Station (Hyōgo)
Examples (48 in total)
A stone does not float.
Don't throw stones into the swimming pool.
She tripped on the stone.