1. end; finish; stop
2. bounds; limits
3. delivery date (of a futures contract)
esp. 限り,限
4. finale (of a noh song); end of an act (in jōruri or kabuki); final performance of the day (in vaudeville)
5. counter for slices (esp. thick slices); counter for cuts (e.g. fish, meat)
Usually written in kana
6. only; just
senses 6-8 are sometimes pronounced ぎり, esp. in old-fashioned speech
7. since; after
usu. in a negative sentence
8. remaining (in a particular state)
Pitch accent
Top 11200
Used in vocabulary (146 in total)
endless; boundless; innumerable; endless; never-ending; going on forever
praying mantis (esp. the narrow-winged mantis, Tenodera angustipennis)
face (of a wall of coal or ore, etc.); working face (of a mine)
good (place to leave off); convenient
harakiri; seppuku; ritual suicide by disembowelment
good (place to leave off); convenient
reed warbler (esp. the great reed warbler, but also the black-browed reed warbler)
long-horned beetle
good (place to leave off); convenient
best; extra-fine; exceptionally; extraordinarily; jumping and slashing (e.g. at an enemy)
good turning point number (10000, 12345 etc., often referring to web site visit counts)
endless; boundless
paper silhouette cutout; paper knife
deadline; closing; cofferdam; closed (door, window, etc.)
nail clippers
good (place to leave off); convenient
trump card; ace up one's sleeve; secret weapon
partition; division; settlement of accounts; preliminary warm-up ritual; toeing the mark; directing
mashed rice pressed on a cryptomeria skewer and toasted (used as dumplings in soups)
good (place to leave off); convenient
management; administration; cutting up and serving food; cut and fill (e.g. earthwork)
only; just; since; after; remaining (in a particular state)
abandonment; giving up; bargain sale; selling off cheaply; edge (e.g. of an architectural member); boundary
clear solution; clean decision
leafcutter ant
to one's heart's content; as much as one wants; as hard as one can; resolution; decisiveness; determination
soba; Japanese buckwheat noodles
leftover pieces (when slicing meat, fish, cake, etc.); shaved meat; end pieces; clipping
can opener
cutting roots; extermination; rooting out
coal face; working face
pinky swear; pinky promise; hooking each other's little fingers to confirm a promise
with that; on that note; altogether; ending at that point; cut off there
nakiri knife; vegetable knife; cutting vegetables
kudzu starch noodles
hillside farm; fallow ground
brokerage; exchange commission
all on one's own
continually; continuously; incessantly; without interruption
exchange; conversion; replacement; switching (to); switchover
cut; gash; incision
reserving (for exclusive use); (full) booking; chartering; block reservation
cut end; section; opening; point of view; (different) perspective; new approach
beginning; start
completely; absolutely; totally; (not) at all
hot topic; talk of the town
stump; stubble
cut; notch; raid; attack
crossing swords; fighting with swords; cutting each other (in fighting)
railway switchback; twisting backward knee trip
cut; slice (meat, fish); fillet
just the two of them
clipping (of newspaper article, etc.); cutting; scrap (for a scrapbook); cut-out (picture, coloured paper, etc.)
end; conclusion; rounding up; revaluation
decapitation; beheading; firings; dismissals; small samurai sword used for decapitation
bedridden; confined to bed
cutout; cutout picture; papercut art
finishing reading; non-serialised story (e.g. in a magazine); complete story; breaks and pauses (in a sentence)
straining; draining; drainer; strainer; cutwater (on ship); forefoot
pointed knife; logging; cutting; (beef) scraps; starting to speak; extraction (of a portion of a media file)
selling by the piece
separation; divorce; severing of connections
facet; facetted object
road (or railway) cut through hilly terrain; cutting
road (or railway) cut through hilly terrain; cutting
patching (up); cutting a part and pasting a new one (e.g. a shoji door); cut and paste
evading blame for a transgression by pinning it on a subordinate and abandoning them; (lit.) a skink lizard's shedding of its tail
cutting; tearing off; cutting (for a railroad, highway, etc.); cut; robbery with assault; burglary
cutting; tearing off; cutting (for a railroad, highway, etc.); cut; robbery with assault; burglary
Japanese children's game; preliminary test to eliminate weak contenders
hand drilling (to start a fire); hand drill; rubbing sticks to make a fire
formulaic; stereotyped; hackneyed
cut; notch; end; conclusion
hewn stone; quarried stone; ashlar; flagstone
great enthusiasm; high excitement
stiff formality; set terms
premiere; first showing; release (film)
constant attendance; uninterrupted supervision; staying with someone all the time
leaving everything up to someone else
rice cakes cut into rectangles (esp. eaten on New Year's Day)
devaluation (e.g. of currency); markdown; write-down; undercutting
hole cut in a wall, panelling, etc. to let light in
cut paper; paper cut in half; paper scrap; the art of cutting paper (in contrast to origami)
straw cutter; short mane; pressing and cutting
being devoted; spending all one's time and energy on
carving knife; butcher's knife; cleaver; meat chopper
quarrying (stone); quarryman; stonecutting; stonemasonry; stonecutter
buying up; buying all of something; purchase on a no-returns basis; flat fee; lump-sum payment
downsizing by laying off part-time and temp. workers
retrenchment; curtailment
good turning point number (10000, 12345 etc., often referring to web site visit counts)
good turning point number (10000, 12345 etc., often referring to web site visit counts)
freshly cut; freshly tailored; tree cut to specified length, especially for corners of a kemari court
osteotomy; finely cutting a fish to cut up its small bones
reserving (for exclusive use); (full) booking; chartering; block reservation
you only live once; you only have one life
metallic foil cut into strips or other shapes to form decorative motifs; cutting a thin sheet of metal into shapes and affixing it with lacquer forming natural features (e.g. clouds)
scraps; chips
levelling a powder or liquid (when measuring)
throwaway; disposable; single-use
start broaching (a subject); opening remark; event at the start of the tenth month of the lunar calendar; opening a sealed jar or container
cutter; certificate
glass cutter
oil deflector; shallow tray with rack for draining food after deep frying
ticket punch; ticket puncher
clearing (land); excavating
last time (as of now); never again; only this
driving opponent out of the ring while gripping his belt
clearance (e.g. clearance sale); selling off; selling (accepting only a single payment); bond transaction not subject to repurchase
pause; period; step; once; some years ago
paper cutouts
boiling sake or mirin (to reduce the alcohol content); boiled-down sake; boiled-down mirin
boundlessness; endlessness; infinity; incessantness; continuousness
only cut (otherwise left as-is, e.g. hair)
cutting and patching; splicing; grafting
cuttings; lop; spray; set; slip
scraps; cut end; cut-off piece
way of cutting; how to cut or slice
chips or shavings left after cutting wood or metal with a saw, etc.
type of ribbon fastening used on wedding gifts, get-well gifts, etc.
Rhynchosia volubilis (species of snoutbean)
scraps; cut end; cut-off piece
last piece in a kabuki programme
short split entrance curtain
brad; double-pointed nail
paper and sacred sakaki branches cut and mixed with rice to scatter before the gods
screw cutter; thread cutting
single helping (e.g. of rice)
contract month; delivery month (of a futures contract)
gestalt method; a priori method
cutting back; pruning
Deer-Antler-Cutting Ceremony (held in Nara between late October and early November)
binkiri; Edo-period hairstyle with a lock of hair running down from the temples and hanging over the ears
not to write to or visit someone; (lit.) road of the weasel (it is believed that if someone blocks the path a weasel, he will never take that path again)
entrance curtain (noh)
off timer (i.e. to automatically turn an electrical device off at a certain time)
fruit harvested before it's ripened
last death anniversary for which there is a memorial service held (usu. the 32nd or 49th)
earth cut; cutting
earth cut; cutting
harsh words make the going rough; consider your words; (lit.) a round egg can be cut into a square
thinly cut hemp or paper mixed with rice (scattered as an offering to the gods)
man-made water channel (e.g. round a castle); artificial trench; moat