Verb (5-dan, す, transitive)
1. to cut down; to chop down; to fell
Pitch accent
Composed of
end; finish; bounds; limits; delivery date (of a futures contract); finale (of a noh song); end of an act (in jōruri or kabuki)
to throw down; to bring down; to kill; to defeat; to overthrow; to trip up
Examples (10 in total)
Don't cut down this tree.
All the apple trees were cut down.
Trees are cut down and land is cleared.
He cut down that cherry tree.
He cut down a tree in his garden.
Tom cut down the tree with a chain saw.
He cut down a tree in the garden.
He cut down the big tree with an ax.
Millions of trees have been cut down for fuel.
Cut down that dead tree, or it will fall down on your house.