Adjective (の)
1. really; truly; entirely; completely; wholly; perfectly
2. indeed
Usually written in kana
3. good grief
expression of exasperation
Kanji used
Pitch accent
Top 900
Used in vocabulary (5 in total)
as a matter of fact; really; truly; entirely; completely; wholly
as a matter of fact; really; truly; entirely; completely; wholly
Examples (155 in total)
Can't you swim at all?
That's absolutely right.
I completely agree.
You're absolutely right.
I feel nothing at all.
No problem at all!
That's a flat-out lie.
You are completely wrong.
That's the absolute truth.
The sea was truly calm.
The game wasn't exciting at all.
That's altogether wrong.
I don't watch TV at all.
I don't drink coffee at all.
I can't speak English at all.
The towel was quite useless.
It's beautiful weather, isn't it?
There isn't any milk left.
He did not speak at all.
I don't eat green peppers at all.
That's a whole different matter.
I don't understand German at all.
That's absolute nonsense.
It's perfectly normal.
She has absolutely no enemies.
That's quite another thing.
This is really a very strange affair.
I haven't seen anything of him lately.
I didn't study at all yesterday.
He is an utter stranger to me.
This is totally unacceptable.
I'm really glad to hear that.
I'm really not interested in history.
The data was completely useless.
He passed away quite suddenly.
The choice is all up to you.
He is not at all foolish.
You've made the very same mistake again.
We survived by sheer luck.
His advice didn't help at all.
That's absolute nonsense!
In fact, she's quite unreliable.
He can't write any kanji.
He's not at all afraid of snakes.
I have exactly the same dictionary.
That is a pure waste of time.
I am wholly in agreement with you.
I have nothing to do with them.
That's a completely unfounded rumor.
I'm not interested in detective novels at all.
Those two are exactly alike.
Your conduct is perfectly legal.
She showed absolutely no sign of remorse.
I would choose the exact same thing.
Your conduct is absolutely shameful.
I was quite ignorant of the fact.
In fact I don't know anything about it.
I don't know anything about Japan.
There was no wind at all yesterday.
I was thinking the exact same thing.
His ideas are quite different from mine.
Strangely enough, I didn't feel any pain at all.
That's not altogether false.
Why he got angry is quite clear.
He lived there all by himself.
He was not interested in girls at all.
I have no idea how he escaped.
I don't know anything about their plan.
It is really quite a good story.
Our names are the same.
It is absolutely impossible to do so.
She can hardly walk, let alone run.
It was pure accident that I came to know her.
I had nothing to do with that accident.
Your opinion is quite different from mine.
The twins are very much alike.
No two words are identical in meaning.
I am not interested in politics at all.
I am in full accord with your view.
His recovery was nothing short of a miracle.
The room was pitch black, so I couldn't see a thing.
Our cow doesn't give us any milk.
I have no appetite at all this summer.
The rumor proved to be an absolute lie.
The escape was nothing less than a miracle.
He is quite satisfied with his income.
I met him quite unexpectedly.
Young people have no sense of danger at all.
I was quite taken aback at their bad manners.
I can't think of any solution to this problem.
Is it true Tom doesn't know any French?
This was quite primitive compared to that.
I don't have the slightest idea what to do.
Your chair is identical to mine.
Children these days aren't disciplined at all.
He is simply a hopeless liar.
What he says makes no sense at all.
The statement is not wholly true.
He was left all alone in the woods.
I'm not interested in modern art.
I have simply nothing to say about it.
It's a wholly new experience for me.
It was entirely by chance that I found out what he was doing.
I'm not wholly convinced that you're right.
As for me, I don't trust him at all.
We teachers are human just like you students.
There can be no doubt whatever about it.
This might not have anything to do with our problem.
She was not interested in boys at all.
She seems to have no interest in soccer.
My real name has nothing to do with my nickname.
This shirt doesn't go with that tie at all.
I used to eat pizza, but now I don't.
The masses are entirely ignorant of the segregation problem.
Tom and Mary are exactly the same weight.
Tom says he has no idea where Mary is.
Having studied Japanese, Jenny had no trouble in Japan.
It is a great pity that he died so young.
Time passed rapidly and the work didn't advance at all.
What you said was completely missing the point.
He knows no foreign language except English.
Her behavior at the party was far from perfect.
The result was far from being satisfactory.
Her tastes in clothes are quite different than mine.
I have little, if any, interest in popular songs.
After all, their form of transport produces no pollution at all.
This story may sound strange, but it's absolutely true.
I had no idea of what she intended to do.
I have no intention whatever of disturbing you.
Beauty is altogether in the eye of the beholder.
This is where I absolutely disagree with you.
Her ideas on education are very different from mine.
It's not absolutely impossible to climb the mountain.
I think that knowledge without common sense counts for nothing.
Follow me and do exactly the way I do it.
Quite by chance, I met my old friend at the airport.
It is entirely up to him whether he does it or not.
To tell the truth, I don't remember anything I said yesterday.
What he told us the other day simply doesn't make sense, does it?
Jane had no idea when she should go or where she should go.
He became so excited that what he said made no sense at all.
It was sheer coincidence that Mary and I were on the same train.
What you say is quite different from what I heard from him.
He had no idea what these words meant.
I had never seen him so completely bewildered as he was on that day.
In the country, the colors of the sky and of the foliage are entirely different from those seen in the city.
Europe is now reported to be entirely free of new cases of this disease.
Tom did have a drinking problem for a while, but now he doesn't drink at all.
John is indifferent about his clothes.
As many as ten students stood up all at once.
I ate absolutely nothing the whole day.
He is quite different from what he was ten years ago.
It is utterly impossible to finish the work within a month.
The train arrived on time, so we didn't have to wait at all.
This house is ten years old, but that house over there is quite new.