Adjective (の)
1. all; entire; whole; altogether
Pitch accent
Composed of
all; whole; entire; complete (set); in total
department (in an organization); division; club; part; component; category
Used in vocabulary (2 in total)
full insurance
complete denture
Examples (200 in total)
Is that everything?
Is this everything?
Everything tastes good!
Have you searched everywhere?
Everything will be fine.
Did you receive everything?
They are all my personal belongings.
They were all sold out.
It was all my fault.
That's everything, right?
I don't think I can eat all this.
Have you already forgotten everything?
Is that everything you wanted?
Have you read all of it?
I want to buy all of these.
Is everything ready now?
I thought I had it all.
Did you do all this?
Everything's here.
Was all of that true?
Everything happened all at once.
Do I need to report to you about everything?
How much did all this cost?
All the money was gone.
I accidentally deleted everything.
I told my mom everything.
It will all be over in a few days.
Check everything once more.
I disposed of all the books.
Don't use all the hot water.
Are all the doors closed?
I've finished all my homework.
All of the milk was spilled.
How many are there in all?
I drank all the milk.
All the apples are here.
The traffic lights were all red.
Read all the comments.
Pick up all your toys and put them away.
That's 3000 yen altogether.
All the seats are occupied.
I've spent all my money.
All the goldfish died.
Have you bought all your Christmas gifts?
Are all the doors locked?
I wonder who made all this.
Is it OK if I drink all of this?
I've read all his books.
You can't do all these things at once.
Open all the windows.
Are you going to cut down all the trees here?
I can read them all.
I did all the work myself.
I know all your secrets.
Are all the windows locked?
Close all the doors and windows.
I've read every book in the library.
I expect you to pay off all your debts.
There were only five people present altogether.
I'd like to learn all the European languages.
Who ate all the cheese?
All their secrets have been revealed.
All our things were turned upside down.
How much money did you spend in total?
Who ate all the oranges?
Carry all the chairs to the terrace.
Don't try to blame this all on me.
Who ate all the pizza?
How much is the whole package?
Attach labels to all the bags.
I sold off all my records.
These adjectives are all positive.
Everything you need is here.
Are you really going to eat all that?
He kept all the windows open.
This is all I want to say.
Everything I've said is true.
Why do you need all this?
Are you planning on eating that all by yourself?
Are all the books on the table?
Everything she says is true.
I don't know all of them.
Everything I said is true.
He gave back all the money he had borrowed.
I can't carry all that baggage.
Not all the students went there.
Have you solved all the problems yet?
Why do we have to learn all this?
"Where's my cake?" "Sorry. I ate it all."
They said there wasn't enough time for a full investigation.
All the eggs in the box were broken.
There are about a thousand students in all.
This is the worst of all.
It would take a long time to tell the whole story.
The store raised all the prices.
The whole audience got up and started to applaud.
"Where are my cookies?" "Sorry, I ate them all."
What is the total amount of money you spent?
He ate all of the apple.
All the desk drawers were empty.
Did you check all the items on the shopping list?
Put all the books about computers together.
All of these meetings are in English.
I've already spent all my pocket money for this month.
The east side of this town is all forest.
Don't put all your eggs in one basket.
Are these all Tom's books?
He turned off all the lights at eleven.
I translated everything Tom wrote into French.
Has everyone got all of their suitcases back?
Are you going to cut down all the trees?
Have you written all the New Year's cards already?
All he said was true.
Tell me everything you know about that.
I like him best of all the teachers.
I don't have the time to do everything I want to do.
I can't afford to buy all the things I want.
I want to sell everything in this room.
I'll let you know all about it later on.
She gave away all her dolls.
She named all the flowers in the garden.
I walked the whole way to the station.
I have watched all of her films.
Were all of these in the same bag?
She gave all her time to the study.
I haven't read all of his novels.
From the hill, we could see all the buildings in the city.
Not all of these eggs are fresh.
I told the policeman what I knew.
She managed to carry all the bags herself.
I had all my clothes washed by my mother.
My father gives my mother all of his salary.
She makes all her own clothes.
It's cold. Why are all the windows open?
Please check all the items on this list.
He translated everything for me.
You need to know everything if you want to pass this test.
She has this big room all to herself.
He keeps all his savings in the bank.
The company has branches in all large cities.
Don't eat all the grapes. Leave some for Tom.
I can't tell you everything that happened to me yesterday.
Not every book on the desk belongs to me.
It's important that everybody should be told all the facts.
He put all his money in the box.
I had all the money stolen and was in trouble.
Don't forget to turn off all the lights before going to bed.
We must wash all these dirty plates.
She had the whole summer off that year.
I have very few books in English, and I've already read them all.
The dog ate the fish, bones, tail and all.
This decision is not binding on all of you.
Take off your jacket and empty your pockets.
If I were to tell you the whole truth, you would be amazed.
"You have to take all this medicine to get better," said the nurse.
They are all so much alike that I can't tell which is which.
I gave him what little money I had with me.
I've lost or broken all my necklaces.
Mary asked if the cat had drunk all of the milk.
You should have locked, or at least closed, all the doors.
All the museums of my city are in the city centre.
Some of the roses in my garden are white, and the others are red.
I keep all my old pictures in the attic in a wooden box.
I have just washed all the dishes.
David has so many girlfriends that he can't remember all of their names.
All the money spent, we started looking for work.
I've already done everything you've asked me to do.
Her job was to type all the letters.
I don't think I will get through all this work this afternoon.
He spent all the money that his friend had lent him.
He equipped himself with everything needed to climb the mountain.
A friend of mine showed me all the dolls he had bought abroad.
I am looking for an effective method to get rid of all the weeds in my yard.
I used to think that all dogs were males and all cats were females.
Someone broke into my house and ran away with all of my money.
I have done all my homework and now I am completely free until Monday.
Tom spilled red wine all over Mary's white dress.
You must remember to tell him all that you know.
I met too many people to remember all their names.
That's too small a box to hold all these things.
Officially it is his responsibility, but in fact his secretary does all the work.
I read the play aloud so that I could memorize all the lines.
The scholar spent what little money he had on books.
I advised him not to spend all his money on food.
That's 150 dollars altogether.
There were 30 members in all.
There were ten eggs in all.
The cost amounted to five thousand yen.
Our school has twenty-four classes in all.
I read the whole book in one evening.
I've finished all except the last page.
The group consists of 50 students in all.
Locking all the doors, I went to bed.
I find it difficult to do all this work in a day.
Today, I bought ten books in all.
She blew out all eight of her birthday candles.
Her library has 3,500 books and includes many first editions.
Within a couple of minutes, she had eaten up all the bread and cheese.
How many legs do three centipedes have?
This summer, I plan to read every book on these three shelves.