1. small dining table (usu. for a single person); serving tray (with legs)
2. meal; food; serving
3. counter for bowlfuls of rice
4. counter for pairs of chopsticks
Kanji used
dining tray
Pitch accent
Top 18300
Used in vocabulary (26 in total)
four-legged tray for festive food
meal; Emperor's meal; meal of a noble; high-quality (of a food or drink); premium
black-bellied plover; grey plover (Pluvialis squatarola)
dining table; a dish (type of food)
medicinal cooking (based on traditional Chinese medicine)
food (on a table) (esp. a small Japanese table); dinner; cover (in a restaurant); cook; chef; person who prepares food
bowl (of rice); pair (of chopsticks)
setting the table; laying the table; setting up; getting one's ducks in a row; running interference
tray for absent one
meal; Emperor's meal; meal of a noble; high-quality (of a food or drink); premium
main course (of a formal meal); extremely high-grade Japanese meal served all at once (on a table with legs)
individual dining table
placing a meal in front of one
elaborate dinner tray
low tray of food for guests
clearing up leftover food and dishes
uncommon and delicious meal
fourth tray (of food)
fourth tray (of food)
individual dining table
1st course at a banquet
tray of traditional Japanese food
rudely reaching over one's serving tray to grab food behind it with one's chopsticks
office in charge of the Emperor's meals (ritsuryo system)