1. association; union; guild
Pitch accent
Composed of
class (of students); group (of people); party; lot; bunch; crime family; organized-crime syndicate
between-season wear; spring and autumn clothing; together; condition; situation; -ish
Used in vocabulary (37 in total)
grapple; scuffle
unionist; union member
labor union; labour union; trade union
guild; trade association
cooperative; association; partnership
industrial association; industrial guild
trade association; craft; guild
union dues
cooperative society; mutual-benefit association
producer's association
credit association
(labour) union movement; union activities
trade unionism
rival labor union; rival labour union
cooperative society
irrigation association; water utilization association
enterprise union; company union; in-house union
(white-collar) worker's union; faculty union
a company union
industrial union (one relating to a specific industry or occupation); vertical union
company union; yellow union
company union; yellow union
local labor union; local labour union
loan association
public partnership; public corporation
enterprise union; company union; in-house union
anonymous partnership; silent partnership; anonymous association
craft union; horizontal union
union-busting; union-bashing
full-time trade union official
voluntary partnership
limited liability investment partnership
limited liability partnership; limited liability business partnership; LLP
Examples (6 in total)
Most workers belong to unions.
They came to terms with the union leaders.
In labor negotiation union leaders play an important role.