Adjective (の)
Verb (する)
1. litigation; lawsuit
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (24 in total)
divorce suit; divorce proceedings
civil action; civil suit; civil proceedings
class action; class-action suit; class-action lawsuit
lawsuit; (legal) case
criminal action
small claims lawsuit
record (of legal proceedings in a court)
litigant; litigator
(lawsuit) costs
litigant; plaintiff; suitor
grumbling or mumbling to oneself
procedural law (as opposed to substantive law)
trial management (e.g. by the court)
copyright infringement suit
pendency; pending legal case; pending litigation; pendente lite
act of litigation; act of procedure
lawsuit undertaken without legal representation; pro se lawsuit
administrative litigation (action)
medical suit
litigation related to personal status (e.g. divorce actions)
Japanese lawsuit involving cases where hospitalized patients contracted Creutzfeld-Jakob disease from infected transplants
class action lawsuit; class action
Examples (3 in total)
The judge in the case was not fair.
The judge disposed of the case in short order.
She sued him for damages.