1. window
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (53 in total)
small window; fenestella; scuttle (type of hatch on a ship)
trouser zipper (mainly for males); fly
broken windows theory; criminological theory stating that serious crime can be prevented by maintaining the good physical condition of an urban environment
Examples (130 in total)
That is a window.
The window was left open.
A face appeared at the window.
Should I open the window?
He went out the window.
She put her head out of the window.
"Shall I close the window?" "Yes, please."
Don't forget to wipe the windows.
The window opened outward.
A thief crept in through the window.
John broke the window.
Tom broke a window.
He smashed a window.
Look out of the window.
These windows look to the south.
He entered through the window.
This room has no windows.
We all looked out the window.
Did you always sleep with the window open?
Please open that window over there.
We have a good view of the sea from the window.
Could you open the car window?
Open the window, please.
Please leave the windows open.
He came in through the window.
Are all the windows locked?
All of us looked through the window.
I will open the window because it is a little hot.
She hung a curtain over the window.
Would you please close that window?
This window doesn't shut well.
It looks like the thief came in through the window.
He broke the window intentionally.
This window won't open.
The rain is beating against the windows.
Would you please open the window?
Bob entered the house through a window.
The rain is beating against the window.
They charged me for the broken window.
Lock the window before going to bed.
The rain was lashing against the windows.
She broke the window on purpose.
John broke the window yesterday.
The bee flew out the window.
Who left the window open?
I can hear a cat scratching at the window.
How did this window get broken?
The thief entered through a broken window.
I'm freezing to death. Close that window.
Let's open a window to get some fresh air.
The boy got in through the window.
I heard someone shout outside the window.
He sat looking out of the window.
It's dangerous, so don't open that window.
Can you open the window?
Don't look out the window, focus on your studies.
In the summer I always sleep with the window open.
Don't use the desk by that window.
There are windows on the floor, and doors on the ceiling.
Who threw this stone through the window?
You can see the sun setting from the window.
He left the window open.
Would you mind if I open the window?
I saw a man's face inside the window.
These windows are opened by him.
Are there two windows in your room?
The boy must have broken the window.
It was warm, so I opened the window.
She sat gazing out of the window.
The cat pressed its nose against the window.
It was yesterday that Jake broke this window.
She pushed him out the window.
Looking out of the window, I saw a rainbow.
A hammer was used to break the window.
They leaned out of the window to watch the parade.
Keep the window closed.
The president was sitting in the chair with his back to the window.
The thieves tied him up and escaped through the window.
You can get a quick glimpse of Mt. Fuji from the window of the train.
Open the windows to let in some air.
Sunlight pours into the room through the window.
A bee flew out of the window.
She opened the window to let in fresh air.
Tom rushed to the window to watch the garbage truck.
I heard a loud noise coming from outside my window.
We looked out the window but saw nothing.
My cat likes to look through the window.
He repaired the broken window of my house.
This boy denied having broken the window.
Do you mind if I open the window and let the smoke out?
We restrained the boy from breaking the window.
He pressed his face against the shop window.
She told me "Open the window".
I bought lace curtains for my bedroom window.
Did you break the window on purpose or by accident?
I opened the window so I might let fresh air in.
When you press this button, the window will open automatically.
In case of fire, break this window.
It was yesterday that I broke the window by mistake.
The new building cut the view from my window.
I didn't want the baby to catch a cold, so I closed the window.
The wind was so strong that the windows rattled.
I wanted to meet and talk with the girl at the window.
When he heard the voice, he looked out of the window.
She stood up and walked to the window.
The boy opened the window, although his mother told him not to.
We put the desk by that window.
In the middle of the wall at the back of the room is a large window.
This window won't open. See if you can get it to move.
The two went to the window to look outside.
Mike's job at home is cleaning the windows.
She opened the window to free the kitchen of the smell.
When I opened the window, I saw children playing baseball.
The old man opened the car window and aimed his gun at the bird.
He told me to leave the window open.
He couldn't sleep because of the noise outside his window.
Don't punish him for breaking the window. He is not to blame.
The smell of the flowers came in through the open windows of the bus.
I left the window open all through the night.
Looking out the window, I saw a car coming.
Please keep all windows and doors open during an exam.
That boy often breaks our windows with a ball.
Mary shut herself up in the room, with all the windows closed.
Also, a lot of houses were damaged; windows were often broken throughout the town.
Tom saw a vase of flowers on the table near the window.
Three of the windows were open.
My room has three windows.
This window has been broken for a month.
She asked him to open the window.
I wiped the window sill with a paper towel.