Usually written in kana
1. near; close; beside; vicinity; proximity; besides; while
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (41 in total)
concubine (of a noble)
proximity of a monarch or lord
flanking fire
inside; interior; inner part
exterior; outside; outer; external; lateral
side; flank; profile; aspect; dimension
left side; left-hand side
both sides
south side
temporal region; regio temporalis (capitis)
ship's side; broadside
side wall
lateral; sideways; (from) side to side
service road; frontage road
side of a body
temporal lobe
the side
aisle (of a church)
sidetrack; siding; lateral line (of a fish)
nucleus accumbens (part of the forebrain)
side car
temporal bone (of the skull)
end-to-side anastomosis
outermost (side)
turning over in bed
close relationship
lateral funiculus
lateral sexual position; spoons; spooning
lateral pressure
parazoan (member of an ancestral subkingdom of animals whose only surviving members are the sponges)
parazoan (member of an ancestral subkingdom of animals whose only surviving members are the sponges)
propagation law
parapatric speciation
temporoparietal junction; TPJ
painting with the body of a brush's bristles (to create a thicker line than possible with the tip)
lateral moraine