1. band (e.g. conduction, valence); belt (e.g. Van-Allen, asteroid, etc.)
Kanji used
Pitch accent
Top 14900
Used in vocabulary (96 in total)
period of time; time slot; time zone
area; zone; (lit.) belt (of land)
eyepatch; eye bandage
wearing a sword
wetlands; marshland
solidarity; joint; collective
wearing a sword; being armed with a sword; sword
wooded country; wooded (timber) region; woodland; woodlands
household; home; family; housekeeping
taking (someone) along
having a wife; marrying (a woman); marriage
bandolier; bandoleer; ammo belt; driving band (of a shell or bullet); rotating band
(highway) median; median strip; central reservation
band; zone; range; bandwidth
frequency band; waveband
two-family house; house for a two-generation family
old ceremonial court dress
volcanic belt; volcanic zone
safety belt (typically used in Japanese construction work); fall-prevention harness
strip of vegetation (in an urban area); green strip; tree lawn; green belt; greenbelt
frigid zone
montane zone; mountain zone
bandage; dressing; (webbed) harness (esp. parachute)
taking out (e.g. a book from a library); removing (from the premises); borrowing
low-lying region; lowland; basal zone
combined use; combination; filling two positions; serving two purposes; dual-use
housing belt development
earthquake zone; earthquake belt
clothes and obi; full court dress
special leather belt used in ceremonial court dress, covered in black lacquer and decorated with stones and jewels
paper strip (around parcels, banknotes, etc.)
the Van Allen (radiation) belt (layer)
leukorrhoea; leucorrhoea; leukorrhea; leucorrhea; mucous discharge from female genitals
calm belt (e.g. doldrums)
frenulum; frenum; zonule
subtropical high-pressure belt; subtropical ridge; subtropical high; horse latitudes
wearing a maternity belt
mixed fraction; compound number
area on the convex side of a mountain arc or a crescent-shaped archipelago; area of southwestern Japan south of the Median Tectonic Line
hoop; tie hoop; lateral tie
aspirate; aspirated consonant
subtropical high-pressure belt; subtropical ridge; subtropical high; horse latitudes
floral zone; herb zone
pelvic girdle
metamorphic belt; metamorphic zone
area on the concave side of a mountain arc or a crescent-shaped archipelago; area of southwestern Japan north of the Median Tectonic Line
linear rainband; lengthy band of rain
ambulacral zone (on echinoderms); ambulacrum (on echinoderms)
yellowish (color, colour)
zona glomerulosa; glomerular zone
fault zone; fault belt
intertropical convergence zone; ITCZ
hernia truss; hernia belt