Pre-noun adjective
1. big; large; great
Pitch accent
Top 34200
Composed of
(arch.) great; (arch.) grand; greater (of equal court ranks); upper; a great deal; very much
Used in vocabulary (5 in total)
none of your business!; don't bother me!; keep out of it!
to look as if one is important; to swagger around
big government
Examples (200 in total)
The big flower is yellow.
What a big supermarket!
Please speak in a louder voice.
That is your major problem.
What a big book this is!
That's not a big problem.
It wasn't a big store, was it?
Please speak in a loud voice.
She has a large mansion.
Say it clearly in a loud voice.
It is quite a big number.
I have a big problem.
There are no dogs bigger than this one.
Please speak louder.
He was a great influence on me.
He arrived in a big car.
Tokyo is a very big city.
There's a large pond in the park.
We have a big dog.
The airplane was swallowed up in the large clouds.
They gained great wealth.
Russia is a very big country.
There is a large parking lot in front of the station.
Hey, look! Look! There's a massive rainbow!
I have a large house.
A big animal ran away from the zoo.
An elephant is a very large animal.
Look at that big dog.
I've detected a big mistake.
The USA is a very big country.
I can't put up with that loud noise.
The flood caused a lot of damage.
There was a huge spider in the living room.
Speak up, Tom. I can't hear you.
A big ship appeared on the horizon.
They say that a huge dam will be built.
We have been assigned the large classroom.
George works on a big farm.
He spoke very loudly.
There was a large castle in my city.
He lives in a large house by himself.
I need a bigger chair.
What is that big new building?
She has large blue eyes.
It's one of the largest cities in the world.
There is a great difference between boys and girls.
The old man caught a big fish.
Society has a great influence on individuals.
We live near a big library.
Look at this large map of America.
There was a big gold star on the door.
Watch out! There's a big hole there.
He was holding a large box in his arms.
Television has a great appeal for him.
There used to be a big pond around here.
She has a great affection for her parents.
Large houses are expensive to live in.
I cook soup in a big pot.
This is the first time I've caught such a big fish!
Here's a big map of Germany.
The children were rolling a big snowball.
Are you sure you can drive a truck this big?
There will be a big earthquake in the future.
He left his son a large fortune.
The boy brought a big, heavy book.
There was a big fire last night.
No pleasure is greater than that of reading.
This news report created a lot of confusion.
He came bearing a large bunch of flowers.
I caught a big fish yesterday with my bare hands.
Look at that big hammer.
I've never seen a pearl of such magnitude!
Yesterday, we saw a big wolf in the forest.
New York is the biggest city in the world.
This is the first time I've seen such a large strawberry.
He has a great influence on his country.
The young man manages a big department store.
He hid himself behind a large rock.
I've never seen such a giant watermelon!
I've never seen such a big dog.
Big successes result from constant effort.
I've never seen a whale that big.
Examinations play a large part in education.
I've never seen a temple this big before.
He broke his promise, which was a big mistake.
Singapore has one big problem.
Why do you have such a big mouth?
Speak louder so that everyone may hear you.
I heard a loud noise coming from outside my window.
Could you speak a little louder please?
A man with a big dog came in.
Her death was a great shock to me.
A big dog is always beside him.
I know there was a big church here.
There are a lot of stars larger than our own sun.
Oh, look! There's a big snake over there!
There is a big park near our school.
If I had more money, I could move to a bigger house.
There is a large lake near our town.
A big red fish is swimming about in the pond.
The girl had a large red hat on.
Such magazines have a great influence on children.
Each room is equipped with large desks.
He derived great benefit from the book.
If you stay at a big hotel, you can use their swimming pool.
The stone was carved into a large statue.
Her fiancé gave her a very big ring.
It's noisy around here, so speak a little louder.
The news had a great impact on us.
He has a large basket full of flowers.
We can derive great pleasure from books.
She lives alone in a house of enormous dimensions.
We would move to a bigger house if we had more money.
If we improve it little by little, it will become a great weapon.
London is one of the largest cities in the world.
A small spark often kindles a large flame.
He contributed much to the development of the economy.
He has the ability to carry out big plans.
There's a large clock near the top of the tower.
My father had far bigger ambitions than I.
Mother placed a large vase on the shelf.
I ate a large pizza with a friend an hour ago.
We derive a great deal of pleasure from watching baseball games.
Mary spread the big map on the table.
She has a large office in this building.
Japanese industry has made great advances since the war.
The typhoon did great damage to the village.
She has this big room all to herself.
This movement had a great impact on the behavior of women.
The earthquake caused a tsunami of immense size.
This dictionary will be of great help to you.
My father always speaks in a very loud voice.
Let's see what's happening in this big country.
In the middle of the wall at the back of the room is a large window.
He threw a stone at the big dog.
The firm has a great deal of trust in your ability.
This novel exercised a great influence on young people.
I was very surprised at the huge fish.
His success was a great satisfaction to me.
What's that big building ahead of us?
There are a lot of stars which are larger than our sun.
He felt great sorrow when his wife died.
He succeeded in the face of great difficulties.
A big bomb fell, and a great many people lost their lives.
My grandchildren give me such a delight.
Do you know that man with a big hat on?
You can call a cat a small tiger, and a tiger a big cat.
There's a huge spider in the room! Quick, exterminate it!
We were so shocked at his sudden death.
You're probably the only one who can carry this bag.
There was a great conflict between religion and science.
He has a big restaurant near the lake.
The progress of science has brought about great change in our lives.
When she lit the gas, there was a loud explosion.
The teacher has a great influence on his pupils.
The death of my mother left a big blank in my life.
The policemen were very brave in the face of great danger.
This is the largest dictionary there is in this library.
The war between the two countries ended with a big loss for both sides.
The invention of TV caused a drastic change in our daily life.
He gave us such a long assignment that we protested.
Some Americans have grave debts.
He encouraged his son to do something great.
Napoleon's army now advanced and a great battle begins.
Please speak louder so everybody can hear you.
You shall see greater things than that.
You must be more careful to avoid making a gross mistake.
I don't know how to manage that large estate.
I think he's making a big mistake by turning down the job.
This is the biggest fish that I have ever caught.
There used to be a great castle on that hill.
Sometimes even small mistakes can lead to big accidents.
Bill boasts of owning the biggest car in the neighborhood.
When a big ape emerged from the cave, they got frightened and ran away.
I have a friend whose father is the captain of a big ship.
In religion there are the two great motives of fear and love.
This bird's large wings enable it to fly very fast.
He's in debt to the bank because he bought that big house.
According to some scholars, a major earthquake could occur at any moment now.
The news that she had married was a great shock to him.
The telephone on my desk rang persistently and loudly.
He has some grave defects, but I think he is a great scholar all the same.
Japanese automakers are investing heavily in new plant and equipment.
She really likes his wild performances on the big stage.
Anticipating a cold winter, we bought a bigger stove.
Seen from a distance, the big rock looks like an old castle.
Jill was a great comfort to me when I was ill.
It's a big step.
There's a huge hole in the wall.
The lion opened its huge mouth and roared.
The peddler carried a big bundle on his back.
There is a large river near our town.
The box is covered with a large sheet of paper.
He possessed a large house and two cars.
A broad river runs through the city.
The child was hiding behind a big tree.
There is a large house on the hill.
We caught some large fish there.
He used a big piece of paper to make the bag.
In the last fifteen or twenty years, there have been great changes in family life in Britain.