first of all; in the first place; to begin with; for starters
leading person; foremost figure
primary significance; primary importance; first principle; absolute truth; ultimate truth
most important condition (for); first prerequisite
first of all; in the first place; to begin with; for starters
the best in the land; the best of its kind in the country; par excellence in the whole country
first violin; first violinist
assistant chief of staff, g1
original store; first store
first violin; first violinist
at the outset; at the very beginning; in the first place; to begin (start) with; first and foremost
first act (play, ballet, opera, etc.)
first law of thermodynamics
first law of thermodynamics
monocalcium phosphate; monobasic calcium phosphate
America First (U.S. policy)
First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange
type-1 adjective (i.e. one that uses "ku" conjugation)