1. earth; ground; land; soil
2. place
3. territory
4. bottom (of a package, book, etc.)
5. earth (one of the five elements)
Alt. forms
Kanji used
Pitch accent
Top 1100
Used in vocabulary (415 in total)
underground; below the ground; world of the dead; the grave; underground (activities, movement, etc.); secret
above ground; on the ground; earth's surface; this world; this earth
Earth; the globe
plot of land; lot; soil; locality; region; place
plot of land; lot; soil; locality; region; place
ground; earth; the solid earth; the (vast) land
territory; dominion; grounds (e.g. school)
district; region; the country; countryside; civilian society
(social) position; status
area; region
base (military, expedition, etc.)
place; room; margin; scope
place of destination
site; plot; lot; grounds
site; point on a map; spot
every place; various places
district; section; sector
actual place; actual location; the spot; place where one is currently living
terrain; geographical features; topography
encampment; position
area; zone; (lit.) belt (of land)
stronghold; inner citadel; base; headquarters
heaven and earth; the universe; top and bottom; gods of heaven and earth
cemetery; graveyard
underground; subterranean
sacred place; holy ground; the Holy Land; real-life location used as a setting in a novel, film, anime, etc.
depths of the earth
camp site; campground
state (of mind); mental state; field (of activity); one's lot; circumstance; place
town area; urban area; metropolitan area; built-up area
surface of the earth; ground surface
vacant land; unoccupied ground; empty lot
level ground; plain; flatland
level ground; plain; flatland
(nearly certain) death; extremely dangerous place (or situation) from which one might not return alive; proper place to die; dilemma; predicament
enemy territory; hostile place
place name; toponym
to drop like a rock (e.g. of reputation, power, influence); to go down the toilet
tourist attraction; sight-seeing area
ground; crust (earth); foundation (building, etc.); base; constituency; power base
colony; (Japanese) settlement (in Brazil)
agricultural land; farmland
former site (of something); site (e.g. of a demolished building)
front (in battle)
housing district; residential district
multi-unit apartments; apartment complex
marshland; wetland; swampland
mountainous region; mountainous district; hilly district
level ground; horizon; field of view
present location; current location; "you are here" (on map)
house number; address
high ground; plateau; heights
interior; backwoods; hinterland; back regions
heaven and earth; top and bottom
sandy soil
grounds of a Shinto shrine
garrison; military base
center; centre; metropolis
grassland; meadow
grassland; meadow
within the borders of a country; domestic soil; inland; interior; Japan proper (as opposed to its overseas colonies); homeland
locational advantage; advantageous position
producing area
plateau; tableland; eminence
land rent
the place one comes from; one's birthplace; one's hometown
basin (e.g. between mountains)
vacant land; unoccupied ground; empty lot
point of view
empty lot; vacant plot of land
wasteland; wilderness; abandoned land; devastated land
hollow; low ground; basin; pit; dip; depression
end of the earth
polar regions; the pole; farthest land; ends of the earth
centre of explosion; center of explosion; hypocentre; hypocenter; ground zero
spa; hot spring
this place; here
area under direct control (of the shogun)
prime location (for offices, housing, etc.); best district (in town); excellent piece of land
location; address
stratum; geological formation; layer; bed (coal, gravel, etc.)
foreign settlement; concession; reservation (e.g. American Indian)
demesne; estate; private land; private property
basement; cellar
ground to ground
savage (barbaric) land; backward region; undeveloped area
base (of operations)
place that is cool in the summer; place one goes to escape the heat of summer; summer retreat
lining; land that does not adjoin to public or private roads
dangerous position; peril
proposed site; site chosen
spirit residing in the ground
estate; plot of land
habitat; home (e.g. of the tiger)
there; that place
(Earth's) crust
occupied territory
pasture; grassland; meadow
cantonment; encampment; etape
area struck (by some disaster); location of a disaster
area of holiday homes; area of villas
place of residence; dwelling place
one's place of appointment; one's post
depression; lowlands; low ground; bottom land; plain
resort (spot)
Yezo (northern part of Meiji-era Japan, esp. Hokkaido, but also Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands); Edo-period realm of the Ainu (as opposed to the Japanese) comprising most of Hokkaido
geological features
earth science; geoscience
health resort
locality; local area; limited area
birthplace; origin; cradle; motherland
campground; campsite; camping-ground
there; that place
reclaimed land; cleared land; area opened for development
to keep one's feet on the ground; to be down to earth
cultivated land
distant land; remote location; distant province
building lot; residential land
epicenter; epicentre
geothermal energy; terrestrial heat
the same place; that place
cold district; northern district
overseas territories; outlying areas
site of a bloody battle
the price of land
the stricken area; damaged area
place; situation; position; location
demesne; belonging
detached territory; enclave; exclave; scattered landholdings
barren land; sterile soil; wasteland
important place; strategic point; critical location
earth's axis
sacred ground
foothold; footing; position; standing; ground
grazing land; pasture
prostration; placing knees, hands and forehead on the ground to show utmost respect
territorial relationship; regional bond
local site; location for making or filming a movie
cultivated land
geographic features; divination based on the lay of the land
place of origin (of a plant or animal species, etc.); natural habitat; original home; place of origin (of manufactured goods)
earth, water, fire, and wind (the four elements)
soil fertility; soil quality; productivity of the soil
to keep one's feet on the ground; to be down to earth
surface-to-air missile; SAM
residence; countryside
location famous for production of something (usually food)
new (residential) area (esp. built on reclaimed land during the Edo period); newly-opened region; red-light district; newly-acquired territory
place where a meeting (conference, etc.) is held; venue
mountain land; mountains
land border; boundary
district court
change of air; change of scenery
fallow soil; idle field; set-aside; idled plot
land tax
burial place (ground); cemetery; graveyard
geomagnetism; terrestrial magnetism
tourist resort; holiday resort
newly-opened land; recently-settled region; frontier; new residential area; new development
above-ground floor; ground floor
slope; sloping ground; sloping lot
vacant land; unoccupied ground; empty lot
cradle (of civilisation, civilization, etc.); birthplace
remote place; backcountry; the sticks; hinterland
hollow; low ground; basin; pit; dip; depression
(arch.) true form of a buddha; land of origin
place of dispatch; place of origin
duty station; place of business; work location
degree; lineage
place of scenic beauty; picturesque place; beauty spot
basement floor; underground floor
permanent domicile
woodland; forested area
natural disaster; calamity
state-owned land
terrestrial digital broadcasting
natural or man-made feature or object on the earth's surface (trees, hill, river, road, building, etc.); object or structure important in a battle, esp. for concealment
grass plot
geopolitical; geostrategic
anchorage; berth
underpopulated area; lightly-populated area
land owned by a Shinto shrine; land owned by a company
source (of a river, etc.)
standpoint; position; viewpoint; footing; starting point; basis (e.g. of an argument)
boundary; bounds of the earth
wetland; marshland
corner lot
to keep one's feet on the ground; to be down to earth
place of (new) post; (new) place of appointment
land classification
wildlife growth area; natural habitat
location without an address; unnumbered plot of land
(Earth's) core
alluvial fan or delta
transit point; transit airport; connection airport
anchorage (area); moorage; roadstead
land owner; leaseholder
empty lot; vacant plot of land
hollow; low ground; basin; pit; dip; depression
hollow; low ground; basin; pit; dip; depression
to disappear completely, leaving nothing behind
the whole world; all lands
departure place; place of departure
settlement (of people on land)
marshy land
air or vapour in the soil (vapor); electrical earth; ground
place of scenic beauty; beauty spot; scenic spot; (arch.) suitable land
lands outside (Chinese) civilization
geography and history
public land; common
construction site
(internal) movement of the earth; earthquake; movement of the earth; rotation and revolution of the earth
colony; (Japanese) settlement (in Brazil)
substitute land
small plot of land
remote place
covering the whole ground
earth current; telluric current
nesting place; nesting site; nesting grounds
place with warmer weather to spend the winter
stop (on a trip); destination
warm district; region of mild climate
to cut a conspicuous figure; to be by far the best
imperial estate
carefree land; paradise
center of the earth; centre of the earth
cold region
title deed; land certificate; muniments
quiet place; vacant land; fallow ground; undemanding job; sinecure; life of leisurely retirement
supply center; supply centre
physiography; physiographical features
regional bank
infected district; infected area; endemic area
former capital region (i.e. Kyoto and its environs)
place where one resides or is staying
evacuation site; refuge shelter; shelter
lot number
former property; former territory
fields and rice paddies that have been abandoned and are no longer cultivated
to meet with a crushing defeat
your place
your place; place where you live
sacking; bagging; land that is surrounded by others' private property and is not directly accessible via public roads
peatland; peatlands; peat bog
locational advantage; advantageous position; products from the land (farm output, timber, minerals, etc.); land rent
area of a piece of land; acreage
(one's) domicile
natural calamity
slough; swampy lowland; moor; marsh
first and foremost; most important thing to do first; top priority; (lit.) plot 1, block 1
park; garden
place of scenic beauty; picturesque place; beauty spot
type of land rent paid by farmers
one's birthplace; one's native place
government land; public land
an inch of ground
land register
earthly immortal (in Taoism)
area of an earthquake disaster
distribution center (centre); trading center
geographical dictionary; gazetteer
occupied territory
die; dice; gambling with dice; playing hazard; You can never tell what will pop up
rift valley
rookery; breeding grounds; nesting place
white cloth; empty land; empty lot; (arch.) respectable woman (as opposed to a prostitute)
prime location (for offices, housing, etc.); best district (in town); excellent piece of land
losing oneself; on top of the world; walking on air; frivolous
flood-damaged area; area subject to flooding
wintering spot (e.g. of a migrating bird)
area covered in volcanic ash
disaster-stricken area
land for sale
uncultivated land
commons; common land
wilderness; virgin land; wild land; habitat; native land
underground wire or cable
parceling out an estate
terrestrial phenomena (phenomenon)
fireplace or hearth dug into the ground or floor
one's temporary residence
atomic-bombed land; bomb site
healthy place; health resort
preserve (of land)
place; room; margin; scope
very low land
private land
archeological site (archaeological)
horizontal plane
pasture or grazing land
company-owned land
private land; privately-owned land
substitute land; substitute lot; land substitution; land exchange
barbarian territory; barbarous land; uncivilized land (uncivilised)
another place
licensed red-light quarters
habitable area; inhabitable land
gold field; goldfield
barren soil
virgin soil; uncultivated land
mixed residential quarter
two places being far apart
vacant land; unoccupied ground; empty lot
park; garden
district attorney (US)
place of death
Ministry of Civil Administration and Social Welfare (Zhou-dynasty China)
private land; privately-owned land
mountain village (region)
transit point; transit port; stopover; transport hub
steep sloping land; steep terrain
empty lot; vacant plot of land
substitute land; substitute lot; land substitution; land exchange
commons; common land
leased land
land for rent
dead place; place of death
dead place; place of death
transit point; transit port; stopover; transport hub
Edo-period realm of the Japanese (as opposed to the Ainu) in southern Hokkaido
external (earth) ground; signal ground
place of publication
vice-camp; sub-camp
entertainment quarters (food and geisha)
with steady steps; with one's feet planted on the ground
school grounds
uneven ground; broken terrain
capstan; windlass
public land; government land
five generations of earthly deities
earthly branches (the 12 signs of the Chinese zodiac)
citizens of a local area or region
Local Government Finance Act
agricultural land; farmland
high and dry ground
tableland; plateau
(clean-water) reservoir
prefecture-level city (of China)
Japanese red-backed vole (Myodes andersoni); red-backed vole (any rodent of genus Myodes)
Special Measures Law for USFJ Land Release (1952); Special Measures Law for US Military Bases (in Okinawa)
commercially owned land
rice-producing region
earth mass (astronomical unit of mass)
arable and grazing land
pasture or grazing land
tax-exempt land
children's playground; amusement park for children
land received in compensation for one's service; land given by a lord to a vassal for his service
state-owned land; crown land (UK, Australia, etc.)
sunken hearth; sunken fireplace
garrison; security sector
Examples (4 in total)
What is your final destination?
I'm all alone in a foreign country.
Which one will be our final resting place?