1. district; region; area; locality
2. the country; countryside; the provinces; rural area
3. civilian society
Imperial Japanese Army jargon
Pitch accent
Composed of
earth; ground; place; territory; bottom (of a package, book, etc.); earth (one of the five elements)
direction; way; side (of an argument, etc.); one's part; type; category; field (of study, etc.)
Used in vocabulary (65 in total)
provincial city; provincial town; suburban city; regional towns and cities
district court; local court
Kanto region (incl. Tokyo, Kanagawa, Saitama, Gunma, Tochigi, Ibaraki and Chiba prefectures)
Examples (25 in total)
Legends of vampires flourish in the Balkans.
This district forms a basin.
A cold wave hit this district.
The district is abundant in natural resources.
The whole country was covered with snow.
We have a local newspaper in our city.
This area is known for its beautiful scenery.
Typhoons are frequent in this region.
We have to respect local customs.
This region produces precious minerals.
At last, spring has come to this part of Japan.
We get a lot of snow here in winter.
The old custom is still kept up in that district.
The district attorney indicted him for theft and murder.
This year the region has been hit by a severe drought.
His name is known to everybody in this area.
You should acquaint yourself with the local customs.
Do you know the name of the most successful military man from this area?
We have adequate inventories of the product to meet local demand.
Many local traditions have fallen into decay in recent years.
He tried to absorb as much of the local culture as possible.
I tried to absorb as much of local culture as possible.
Many families left to make a new life on the frontier.
In Thailand it has already become too dry to grow rice in some parts of the country.
Rice is the chief crop in this area.