1. counter for leaves in a book (esp. one with traditional Japanese-style binding)
2. counter for blocks of tofu; counter for servings in a restaurant
3. counter for long and narrow things such as guns, scissors, spades, hoes, inksticks, palanquins, candles, jinrikishas, shamisen, oars, etc.
4. even number
5. 109.09 m
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (26 in total)
ladder (in go)
clove (Syzygium aromaticum)
bystreet; side street; back street; alley; lane
exactly; precisely; just; as if; as though; quite
district of a town; city block (of irregular size)
symbol; sign; (secret) price mark; secret language; code
long stretch; long haul; marathon; long scene (in a play); long act
even and odd numbers (on dice); chō-han; gambling game in which two dice are thrown and players bet on whether the total is odd or even
with a clang; with a bang; with a crash
incorrect collating; pages out of order
clashing of swords; felling of trees; ringing of an ax
clove (Syzygium aromaticum)
man between 61 and 65 (ritsuryo system)
body drop throw (sweeping the opponent's legs and throwing them forward)
roadside stone distance indicators placed at intervals of one chō (approx. 109 meters)
paging; pagination; numbering
number of leaves (in a book, esp. one with traditional Japanese-style binding); number of sheets; even number
collation of sections (bookbinding); gathering
quire (bookbinding); gathering; section; signature
old and lightly handicapped men (ritsuryo system)
towns and villages (official urban area classification)
men pressed into forced labor (ritsuryo system)
men 17-20 years, subject to a quarter of the obligations of older men (ritsuryo system)
young man of conscription age who has not yet undergone military training; man with no title and no rank (under the ritsuryo system); commoner
Examples (2 in total)
I found nothing but a pair of scissors.
In the U.S., as many as 216 million firearms are said to be in private hands.