1. butterfly
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (28 in total)
hinge; joint (esp. an anatomical joint)
papilionaceous; butterfly-shaped
bringing up (one's daughter) like a princess
bow; bowknot
swallowtail butterfly (esp. the citrus swallowtail butterfly, Papilio xuthus)
hostess (at a bar, cabaret, etc.)
papilionaceous; butterfly-shaped
sphenoid bone (of the skull)
any butterfly of family Pieridae (incl. the white butterflies and the sulfur butterflies)
gossamer-winged butterflies (Lycaenidae spp.)
raccoon butterflyfish (Chaetodon lunula); moon butterflyfish
large grass yellow (species of butterfly, Eurema hecabe); common grass yellow; yellow butterfly
satyrid (any butterfly of subfamily Satyrinae, esp. the dryad, Minois dryas); grayling
peacock butterfly (Inachis io); European peacock
flight path of a butterfly
skipper butterfly
alpine butterfly
Ponerorchis graminifolia (Orchis graminifolia)
eastern pale clouded yellow (butterfly, Colias erate)
sunset morpho (butterfly, Morpho hecuba)
spider flower (Cleome hassleriana)
cat's whiskers (Cleome gynandra)
butterfly pea (Clitoria ternatea); Asian pigeonwings
small butterfly
Examples (13 in total)
The life span of a butterfly is short.
The lifetime of a butterfly is three days.
Is it a butterfly or a moth?