1. head; chief; leader; elder
2. merit; strong point
3. superiority
4. major
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (274 in total)
elder; senior; senior monk; dean; presbyter
long hit; slugging; extra-base hit
head of a ward; mayor of a ward; chief administrator of a ward
vice-chief; vice-director; assistant director; deputy manager
commanding officer
chief; head (of an office, of a laboratory)
section manager; section chief
head (chief, director) of a section or department; head of a (school) club; head of a (school) team
chair; chairman; chairperson; speaker (of an assembly); president (of a council, senate, etc.)
leader of a delegation (body, party)
head (of organization, organisation); chief; sheikh; emir
head of class; monitor
long life
leader of a group of juvenile delinquents
crown (of creation); apex; the best
rapid progress; great strides
shop manager
long sentence; long piece of writing (e.g. passage, letter, article, telegram)
over-all length; span
patriarch; head of a family
station master
(relative) length; advantages and disadvantages; pluses and minuses; strong and weak points
tedious; verbose; wordy; redundancy
principal of a private school
to grow; to grow up; to be good at; to excel in
(committee) chairman; president
squad leader; group leader; team leader
long and large; tall and large; grand; huge
long life; longevity
chairman; leader of a troupe; proprietor of a theatrical company
Chōtoku era (995.2.22-999.1.13)
eldest daughter; first-born daughter
section chief; laboratory manager; office head; room monitor
senior; older
(Japanese Imperial Navy) chief warrant-officer
grand chamberlain
captain (of an aircraft)
head of a police station; chief of a police station; superintendent
sighing deeply; giving a deep sigh
company president; manager; director
long distance; long haul
boss (esp. yakuza); foreman
eldest brother
dormitory leader; dormitory superintendent
something long; useless things; white elephant; boondoggle
secretary general; chief secretary
long period of time
shift supervisor
head of the student council; president of the student council
board chairman
bureau director; office chief
head chef; master chef
subsection head; assistant manager; chief clerk
battalion commander
corps commander
promotion; encouragement; fostering; unwanted help (usu. unintentionally harmful); unnecessary help
long (e.g. novel, film)
longest; oldest
long way
longhair (e.g. cat)
combat commander
burning of New Year's gate decorations (usu. on the 15th day of the New Year)
major axis
amorous man; henpecked husband
president (of a society); chairman
village headman; village mayor
principal; headmaster
captain (of a warship)
secretary (government); director; chief
eldest son (may be the only son); first-born son
long sword; minute hand (of a clock)
headmaster; principal; dean; provost; rector
(college) president; secretary-general
chief (of police); head (of office)
deputy head; deputy director; vice chief (of something); executive officer (navy)
long hair
superintendent; director; curator; chief librarian
presiding judge
(university) president; chancellor; principal; provost
strong point; merit; virtue; advantage
division commander
branch manager; manager of a branch office
general manager; director-general
long trip
length (of an animal); body length
rectangle; oblong
platoon commander; section commander
long period (of time)
growing impudent; becoming arrogant; getting stuck-up; becoming more severe (esp. regarding something bad); increasing
commanding officer
teachers, superiors, and men of prominence
master sergeant; sergeant major (JSDF)
company commander
manager; purser
chief of staff
head of a garden; kindergarten principal; nursery school principal; park director; zoo director; head of a plantation
leading private (Imperial Japanese Army); leading seaman (Imperial Japanese Navy)
one's superior; one's elder; one's senior; (arch.) virtuous and gentle person
squad leader; divisional officer
factory manager; works manager
patriarch; family head
growth (of a plant)
regimental commander
eldest child; oldest child; first child; eldest son; oldest son
leading private (JSDF)
class president; head class representative
medical director; chief physician
head nurse
one's superior; senior; elder
match fixing; put-up job; fixed game
chief secretary (usu. of a party); secretary-general
Yangtze River; Changjiang River
skipper (of a boat); coxswain
oval-faced; long-faced
thinking (about a matter) for a long time; contemplating for a long time; lengthy consideration; pondering
director of a hospital
secretary-general; director-general; executive director; executive secretary
chief of protocol
police sergeant
associate editor; deputy editor
district headman; head county official
chief engineer
slight superiority (in knowledge, experience, ability, etc.); being slightly older
slight superiority (in knowledge, experience, ability, etc.); being slightly older
head of a monastic institution; abbot; prior; abbess; prioress; mother superior
eldest sister; oldest sister
head chef
chief engineer
with profound (often hidden) meaning; pregnant with significance; meaningful; suggestive; interesting
head patrol officer
head chef; head cook
chief navigator; navigating officer; navigator; sailing master
great wall (of China); long wall
chief of the general affairs department (bureau); chief of the executive section
branch manager
Chief Cabinet Secretary
senior executive manager
leader of a cheering group; head cheerleader
superintendent of education
variable length
long snake; long line (of people, etc.)
bandmaster; conductor
one's elders or superiors
superintendent priest; chief abbot
chief librarian
head doctor
young and old
deep sigh
long (esp. of photographic film); lengthy
head of a martial arts organization (organisation)
long stay
long boundary
head of personnel department
head of a branch; branch office manager; bureau chief
long sound
long night; all night
wing length (esp. of a bird); wingspan (esp. of an aircraft)
superintending prosecutor
long poem
head of a family
managing editor; chief editor
head; chief
chairman of (party) policy bureau; policy chief
senior master sergeant (JASDF)
major axis
Shōchō era (1428.4.27-1429.9.5)
the best medicine (i.e. sake)
patriarch; patriarchal; patriarchic
assistant chief of staff, g2
chief superintendent (police)
right-angled parallelepiped; cuboid; rectangular solid
ellipse; oval
Tenchō era (824.1.5-834.1.3)
Chōroku era (1457.9.28-1460.12.21)
long operating life; long service life; long life
Chief Cabinet Secretary (1879-1947)
dash (in Morse code)
superior; supervisor
chairman of executive council (usu. of a party); chairman of the general affairs committee
long wave
assistant chief of staff, g1
lengthy lecture
longhorn; longicorn
chairman of board of directors
long-term credit bank; LTCB
fixed length (e.g. block)
assistant chief of staff, g2
long-vowel mark; macron; long note
Chōshō era (1132.8.11-1135.4.27)
Chōkan era (1163.3.29-1165.6.5)
slugging percentage
albacore (Thunnus alalunga); germon
head of business department
Speaker of the House (US, etc.)
chief nurse (in the army)
assistant chief of staff, g3
fire captain; fire marshal
Chōwa era (1012.12.25-1017.4.23)
Chōgen era (1028.7.25-1037.4.21)
long sword
prelate; prior; abbot
swimming pool lane which is longer than 50 meters
chief customs inspector
major third
major chord; major triad
perimeter; circumference
captain of a thousand
one's superiors; one's seniors
Ōchō era (1311.4.28-1312.3.20)
prolate spheroid
block size; block length
long bone
head palace chef
boatswain; bosun
military band master
word-length; word size
captain of the guard
semi-major axis
most experienced chanko cook in the sumo stable
longhorn; long-horned cattle
longitudinal direction
record length; record size
register length
arc length
effective length
long arc
long precision floating point number
double length register; double register
impulse response length
semimajor axis
long-term credit bank; LTCB
foot length
China rose (Rosa chinensis)
team leader
axial length (of the eye)
superior; excellent; outstanding
Examples (2 in total)
The school principal suspended Tom for two days.
Jim Waller is a strong candidate for the post of sales manager.