1. long time; many years
Pitch accent
Composed of
year; counter for years (e.g. of an era), grades (e.g. school); period of an apprentice's contract (usu. ten years)
Used in vocabulary (2 in total)
long-cherished dream
long period of time
Examples (25 in total)
We have known each other for years.
I've been friends with Tom for many years.
We have known each other for many years now.
Your uncle and I have known each other for many years.
Mr. Soarez has been my close friend for years.
We've been close friends for many years.
He lived abroad for many years.
I've known Mr. Smith for many years.
The cook served the family for many years.
I have been taking this medication for many years.
He's been having trouble with back pain for years.
The king has reigned over the country for many years.
India was governed by Great Britain for many years.
Tom and Jim have been on bad terms for many years.
My father has been engaged in foreign trade for many years.
It takes years of practice to play the piano well.
The new law has done away with the long-standing custom.
Japan's balance of payments has been running a huge surplus for many years.
He has spent most of his working life as a diplomat.
The walls of this apartment are weather-beaten after many years of wind and rain.
He hasn't made a record or had a concert for many years.
A huge federal budget deficit has been plaguing the American economy for many years.
I've spent so many years as chairman that I feel it's time I stepped down.
Years of effort came to nothing.
Having been in America for many years, Miss Tanaka is a very good speaker of English.