1. empire
Adjective (の)
2. imperial
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (27 in total)
imperial soldier
galactic empire (in science fiction)
the Third Reich; Nazi Germany
imperial soldier; soldier in an imperial army
Imperial Diet; legislative assembly of Japan (1889-1947); Imperial Diet; legislative assembly of the Holy Roman Empire
the British Empire
(former) imperial university
Empire of Japan (Japan's official name under the Meiji Constitution)
imperial subject
Byzantine Empire
Meiji Constitution (Constitution of the Empire of Japan)
Mughal Empire; Mogul Empire
Mughal Empire; Mogul Empire
Latin Empire (Constantinople, 1204-1261)
Great Qing Empire (China, 1644-1912); Qing dynasty
island empire
Examples (6 in total)
They increased the territory of the empire.
The empire absorbed all the small states.
This is how the great empire came into existence.