Verb (する)
1. proposal; proposition; suggestion
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (9 in total)
(written) proposal
proposing again
Examples (117 in total)
I have a proposal.
That's a constructive suggestion.
I propose a short rest.
Do you have any suggestions?
I have a suggestion.
So, what do you suggest?
Your suggestion seems reasonable.
Was Tom the one who suggested this?
I'm all for her proposal.
I suggested that we go fishing.
I suggest changing the word order.
The Prime Minister proposed administrative reforms.
I appreciate your suggestion.
That sounds like a fairly good proposal.
What do you think of his suggestion?
I have another suggestion.
I agreed to the proposal.
I suggested going for a walk.
Your suggestion will be rejected by the teacher.
He declined my proposal.
My boss turned down his proposal.
He proposed an alternate plan.
Are you in favor of the proposal?
His proposals were adopted at the meeting.
The President offered a new plan.
Her suggestion seems to have been turned down.
The proposal came up last week.
My father suggested that we go camping.
The committee voted against the proposition.
Your proposal is a bit extreme.
The chairman rejected the proposal.
His proposal is completely out of the question.
Paul offered a new plan.
Did he propose any solutions?
Tom's proposal is completely out of the question.
He suggested we should stop smoking at the meeting.
Nobody was able to suggest a solution.
I agree to the proposal in principle.
His suggestion was, effectively, an order.
The committee adopted the plan.
The faculty meeting adopted the dean's proposal.
He proposed a reform in the educational system.
Are you for or against his idea?
Don't say 'but' to my suggestion.
His proposals did not fit in with our aims.
Please feel free to make a suggestion.
There is certain to be some opposition to your suggestion.
She proposed giving a party.
His proposal was essentially an order.
Your proposal is worthy of being considered.
The final proposal will be announced sometime next week.
The bishops were in favor of the proposition.
He reluctantly agreed to my proposal.
I suggested that John be called.
I suggested that we bring the meeting to an end.
It was suggested that the tower be restored.
She reluctantly agreed to our proposal.
The employer made a new offer to the workers.
You should've rejected such an unfair proposal.
The whole school agreed to the proposal.
Your suggestion is of no practical use.
His foolish proposal was approved unanimously.
Tom's proposal is worth considering.
Why did they turn down your proposal?
The proposal he made yesterday is now under consideration.
He cast a vote for the proposition.
I move that the witness be summoned on Monday.
He put an interesting idea before us.
He suggested to her that she should buy it.
He suggested a plan similar to mine.
My father suggested that we go to the movies this afternoon.
The teacher suggested that we go to the library to study.
They suggested to him that he go alone.
These remarks are related to her proposal.
I suggested that he follow my advice.
She suggested to me that I call off the meeting.
Government ministers are certain to welcome such proposals.
I've added my recommendations to improve the situation.
It is doubtful whether he will accept my proposal or not.
That is why he did not agree to what they had proposed.
My uncle was willing to agree to my suggestion.
For my part, I have no objection to the proposal.
We suggested that she should make up for the loss.
I suggested that the plan be postponed.
He suggested that a meeting be held as soon as possible.
The architect suggested that the building be restored.
I supported his proposal with certain conditions.
My sponsor was willing to agree to my suggestion.
The travel agent suggested that we take some traveler's checks with us.
Why the hell is he going to accept that proposal?
I suggested to him that she be invited to the party.
I suggested that he try to go to America.
Those proposals seem very much alike to me.
I suggested that we should stay there another day.
Your suggestion seems irrelevant to our discussion here.
From our point of view, his proposal is reasonable.
I proposed to Helen that we have a tea party.
I'd like to point out some problems regarding your suggestion.
They suggested that we should put the plan into practice right now.
One of the government's proposals is to give out condoms in high schools.
I proposed the plan to my classmates, some of whom were against it.
He refused to accept such an absurd proposal.
There was a suggestion that the general meeting should take place in October.
The board of directors is going to discuss the proposal next Tuesday.
I suggested to my father that Kumiko study in China.
The proposed method is applied to three simulated case studies.
Although the proposal seemed like a good idea, they refused it.
I was unwilling to agree to the proposal, but it seemed that I had no choice.
The committee rejected the proposal on the ground that it was impractical.
He proposed that another meeting be held next Monday.
I suggested to her that we go to the movies after he came home.
My suggestion is for more trees to be planted along the streets.
If this proposal is put into practice, the business world will be affected to a significant degree.
The aide suggested a change in tactics to him.
She proposed that we take an hour's break for lunch.
I agreed to her suggestion that we meet again five years from then.
Here are the proposed agenda items for the meeting on June 16, 1998.