1. philosophy
Pitch accent
Composed of
sage; wise man; philosopher; sagacity; wisdom; intelligence
learning; scholarship; study; study of ...; -ology; -ics
Used in vocabulary (48 in total)
history of philosophy
natural philosophy
historical philosophy
philosophy book
philosophy of life
Greek philosophy
Greek philosophy
social philosophy
philosophy of law
philosophy of life
political philosophy
Western philosophy
philosophy of religion
philosophy of culture
philosophy of language
analytical philosophy; analytic philosophy
moral philosophy
Indian philosophy
Eastern philosophy; Asian philosophy
practical philosophy
identity philosophy
critical philosophy
doctor of philosophy; PhD
one's philosophy of making, saving, and spending money
philosophy of mathematics; mathematical philosophy
philosophy of education
first philosophy
theoretical philosophy
Stoic philosophy
philosophy of science
philosophy of value
philosophy of common sense
continental philosophy
speculative philosophy
rationalistic philosophy
philosophy of mind
Chinese philosophy
existential philosophy
transcendental philosophy
scholastic philosophy
transcendental philosophy
patristic philosophy
public philosophy
immanence philosophy
Examples (13 in total)
My brother's an authority on philosophy.
The student majors in philosophy.
The first subject that attracted my attention was philosophy.