1. anger; rage; fury; wrath; indignation
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (7 in total)
to be in a fit (of anger); to rage
to rouse anger; to provoke wrath; to offend
to fly into a rage; to lose one's temper; to flare up; to break out
Examples (31 in total)
Anger is an energy.
I couldn't hold back my anger.
He exploded with anger.
I couldn't control my anger.
We were shocked by the intensity of our mother's anger.
He couldn't check his anger.
Bob could not control his anger.
Tom's anger blazed out suddenly.
Jim was able to hold back his anger.
His anger was born of frustration.
I have to let off some steam before I explode with anger.
He often shows his anger.
He could no longer contain his anger.
The news caused him to explode with anger.
He stood up with his hands trembling in a rage.
His anger towards me has not softened.
Anger showed on his face.
My mistake incurred his anger.
Suppressing one's anger is a virtue.
Burning with anger, she slapped him.
Her kindness appeased his anger.
A frown may express anger or displeasure.
His eyes flashed with anger.
Tone of voice can indicate anger and irony.
There was a trace of anger in her voice.
Jim was able to hold back his anger and avoid a fight.
His constant insults aroused her anger.
Takeda always shows his anger openly.
We were filled with anger against the murderer.
Yamada tried hard to keep his anger against his boss in check.
Anger is a form of madness.