1. tower; steeple; spire
2. stupa; pagoda; dagoba
original meaning
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (48 in total)
stone tower; stone pagoda; tombstone; gravestone
clock tower
spire; steeple; pinnacle; minaret
gun turret
control tower; conning tower; leader; commander; playmaker; game maker
radio tower
five-storied pagoda
billboard; advertising sign
Tower of Babel
control tower
high tower
rooftop structure, e.g. tower, elevator machine room, etc.
rooftop structure, e.g. tower, elevator machine room, etc.
ivory tower
pyramid; monumental work; landmark achievement
round tower
temple; temple buildings
conning tower
memorial tower
five-part gravestone representing earth, water, fire, wind and heaven
memorial tower
leaning tower
intake tower; outlet tower
monument to the faithful who died in battle
five-story pagoda
tall building
signal tower
giant stride (e.g. in amusement park)
oval tombstone
rectifying tower; rectifying column
Tower of Hanoi (puzzle)
air traffic control tower
many-tiered tower; pagoda
distillation column; distilling column
cooling tower
war-memorial monument
many-tiered tower; pagoda
fractionating column
(memorial) monument
superficial velocity; superficial flow velocity
cooling tower
Examples (27 in total)
That's a tower.
The tower is going to collapse.
We saw the tower in the distance.