Adjective (の)
Verb (する)
1. arrival
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (10 in total)
arrival chime (of an elevator, train, etc.)
upon arrival of an item (items); as soon as one arrives
Examples (135 in total)
The train has arrived.
The taxi has arrived.
When will they arrive?
I arrived last night.
He's just arrived.
I arrived safe and sound this morning.
They arrived one after another.
The bus arrived empty.
The train will arrive soon.
The plane will arrive at three.
I'll let you know when she arrives.
A detective arrived upon the scene of the crime.
The riot police arrived on the scene.
Has the Foreign Secretary arrived yet?
The plane arrived on time.
We arrived in Rotterdam on Tuesday.
He will be waiting for you when you get there.
There is no telling when they will arrive.
He arrived in time.
He arrived in a big car.
All we can do is wait for the police to arrive.
I arrived in Tokyo yesterday.
We arrived a little late.
You arrived at the moment I left.
We will arrive within an hour.
She informed him of her arrival.
He will arrive on the afternoon of the 5th.
We arrived at a hotel in Rome.
The space ship will get to the moon soon.
What time did you get home at?
When did the plane land at Narita?
The ship from New York will arrive before long.
Ken is waiting for the arrival of the train.
The goods arrived in good condition.
How can I get to the zoo from here?
We arrived on the morning of the seventh.
The train arrived on schedule.
What time did the plane arrive at Narita?
He is impatient for her arrival.
I was impatient for her arrival.
Tom arrived in Boston last night.
The train arrived on time.
Another lot of tourists arrived.
What time did she arrive at Narita Airport?
He died before I arrived.
He was the last person to arrive.
I find it strange that she hasn't arrived yet.
My brother is arriving tomorrow morning.
The battle ended before they got there.
I don't know exactly when he will arrive.
When I arrived, it was raining.
I called my friend after arriving at the station.
The movie will have started before we get there.
The accident happened before I arrived.
She should have arrived late last night.
Once she arrives, we can start.
At last, he arrived at the Well of Despair.
Do you know the time of arrival of his plane?
How long had you been waiting when we arrived?
Finally, we reached the top of the mountain.
They should arrive by ten o'clock.
He should have arrived by this time.
We will probably arrive at Tokyo station at noon.
As far as I know, he has not arrived yet.
The storm prevented us from arriving on time.
The news of her arrival excited the crowd.
The plane from Chicago arrived at the airport late at night.
The house was ablaze when the fire engine arrived.
The train from Geneva will arrive at the station.
The bus arrived ten minutes behind time.
He let me know that he had arrived.
I met him on the day I arrived here.
I received a letter informing me of his arrival.
He left Japan on the same day that we arrived.
The work had been completed before I arrived.
She arrived just as I was leaving.
The party was all but over when I arrived.
Please tell me the precise time of their arrival.
Prior to your arrival, he left for London.
I arrived too late to hear his speech.
The day when we will arrive falls on Sunday.
A group of foreigners arrived in Edo, that is to say Tokyo.
He arrived in time for the meeting.
We arrived here at six yesterday evening.
I just wanted to know what time Tom would arrive.
Mr. White will arrive in Tokyo at 10:30.
Please call me as soon as possible when you arrive in London.
They are arriving here soon from Hong Kong.
The airplane took off as soon as I arrived at the airport.
Before the firemen were able to arrive, both buildings burned down.
He was still alive when the rescue party arrived.
Ladies and Gentlemen, we have now landed at Tokyo International Airport.
In all probability, we'll arrive before them.
Was he still here when you arrived?
And you didn't even say that we've arrived!
It was fortunate for her that her husband arrived at that moment.
They had to change their schedule because the train arrived late.
By the time the sun sets, we will arrive at the destination.
We arrived at the city, where we stayed for a week.
The news of his safe arrival delighted his family.
The injured man lay in the street before the police arrived.
She died two days after his arrival.
We calculated that we could reach the place within two weeks.
He should arrive at the airport by 9 a.m.
When he arrived at the bus stop, the bus was already out of sight.
The timetable says the train will arrive soon.
Due to bad weather, the plane arrived three hours late.
The airplane is scheduled to arrive at Honolulu tomorrow morning.
Keiko informed me of the arrival of his plane.
Before the fire engine arrived, the whole house was burnt down.
A rush-hour traffic jam delayed my arrival by two hours.
They gave us a hearty welcome when we arrived.
In spite of the heavy traffic, I managed to get to the airport in time.
The inspector arrived at the school late on Monday morning.
Susan has promised her mother that she will call her to let her know that they have arrived safely.
She will arrive around noon.
The train will come in at platform ten.
The train arrived ten minutes late.
The ship arrived at the port on schedule.
Father got to his office on time.
What time does Flight 123 from Tokyo arrive?
Keiko informed him of her safe arrival.
The lake can be reached in half an hour by bus.
It was past midnight when we arrived.
The train is due to arrive here in 5 minutes.
It has been two months since my arrival in Tokyo.
At four o'clock, they arrived at the hotel.
The package will arrive in London on August 17.
The train arrived safely at the station a few minutes ago.
Flight 101 from Paris arrived one hour ahead of time.
"Do you know when they will arrive?" "At eleven-thirty this evening."
Had we left home at seven, we could have arrived on time.
The train arrived 30 minutes late due to a rise in the temperature of the rails.
I arrived at the stadium at 4:00 p.m., but the game had already started.
Her child had been seriously ill for a week before Dr. Kim arrived.