1. work; labor; labour
2. achievement; performance; ability; talent
3. salary; income; earnings
4. action; activity; workings; function; operation; movement; motion
5. conjugation; inflection
also written as 活
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (12 in total)
hard worker; hardworking person
incessant working; working non-stop
pressure; encouragement; urging; promoting
Examples (11 in total)
You will be paid according as you work.
Isn't that how competition works?
The functions of his brain were very active.
The function of the heart is to pump blood.
Each man's pay was in proportion to his work.
There are many children whose mothers go out to work.
The function of the machine is to save work.
The function of the press is to provide the common people with facts.
It is quite common for women to go out to work.
He demonstrated his courage by his actions in battle.
Tom told me I had done a pretty good job.