1. motion
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (117 in total)
palpitation (of the heart); pounding; throbbing; thumping
to be perturbed; to be agitated
exercise; physical training; appeal; campaign; motion; movement
impulse; impetus; urge
disturbance of mind; losing one's head; being upset; transition; changing; moving
manual labor; manual labour; toil; Labour Party
immovable; motionless; firm; Acala (Wisdom King); Fudō; fierce Buddhist deity
quickening; foetal (fetal) movement; fomenting (trouble)
conduct; behavior; behaviour
personal property; personal effects
power; motive power; dynamic force; three-phase electricity
automatic; intransitive verb
change; fluctuation
slight movement; slight tremor; quiver
action; conduct; behaviour; behavior; mobilization; mobilisation
speech and conduct; words and deeds
hyperactivity (of a child)
putting into operation; invocation
activity (of a person, organization, animal, volcano, etc.); action; movie (esp. during the silent movie period)
(internal) movement of the earth; earthquake; movement of the earth; rotation and revolution of the earth
being deeply moved emotionally; excitement; passion; inspiration; deep emotion; strong impression
wave motion; undulation; surge; wave
rash act; reckless act
club activities; extracurricular activities
restart; reboot
dynamic; kinetic
maneuvers; manoeuvers; machinations; scheming
reaction; recoil; kick; backlash
insurrection; rebellion; revolt; riot; uprising
mobilization; mobilisation
violent shock; agitation; turbulence; turmoil; upheaval; excitement
one's every action; every single move
braking (mechanism)
movement; dynamic state
video (esp. digital); video clip; animation; animated cartoon; in-betweens (animation)
motive; incentive; motif
maneuver (usu. of military force); manoeuvre; mobile; nimble; agile
sailing; marching; going out; dispatch
shock; tremor; impact; vibration
pulsation; pulsatory motion
operating together; working together; being linked (to); being tied (to); being connected (with); interlocking
diversion (action meant to attract attention away from the real objective); feint
change (personnel); transfer; reshuffle
flying column; detached force
mobile; moveable
telekinesis; psychokinesis
emotion; affect
disturbance; agitation; commotion; upheaval; riot
plants and animals; flora and fauna
state (of affairs); condition; developments; movements
pulsation; pulsebeat
line of flow
body motion
driving wheel
vertical motion (in earthquakes)
motion (i.e. proposal to a committee, etc.)
moving body
railcar powered by a diesel or gasoline engine; rail motor
Ptolemaic theory; geocentric model; geocentrism
solo activities (e.g. of a band member); solo work; performing solo; solo career
operating (e.g. of trains, cars); running; working
stillness and motion
arteriovenous; arteriolovenous; arteriolovenular
protest campaign; demonstration
drive; motive; agent
movie maker; video maker
sex (sexual) behavior (behaviour)
patriotic movement
seismic motion
zoo and botanical garden
transitive verb
gerund; verbal noun
centromere; kinetochore
transmission (of motive power); drive; gearing
unmoved mover (in philosophy); prime mover
movable pulley
kinetic friction
Seasonal Affective Disorder; SAD
horizontal movement
dynamic stability
oculomotor nerve
driving axle
heaven-shaking event; earth-shattering occurrence
flying clouds and drifting haze; magnificent calligraphy; vivid penmanship
adjectival noun (in Japanese); quasi-adjective; nominal adjective; na-, taru-, nari- or tari-adjective
radius vector
making preparations for a divorce
inflecting dependent word
dynamic pressure
action and reaction
differential (e.g. motion)
moving rotationally; revolving
diesel locomotive
video; moving image
dynamic stiffness; dynamic spring rate
coefficient of kinematic viscosity; dynamic coefficient of viscosity; kinematic viscosity
dynamic characteristics
moto perpetuo; perpetual motion
Kinorhyncha (phylum of marine invertebrates)