1. the same; the said
2. likewise
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (194 in total)
confusion; mixing; merger
following blindly
same color; same colour
same kind (race); homogeneousness
simultaneous; concurrent; same time; synchronous; together
same origin
same period; corresponding period; same year (of graduation, entering a company, etc.); contemporary; synchronization; synchronism
riding together; riding with
the same night; that night
the same opinion
the same; ditto
accompanying; travelling together; traveling together; same bank
assimilation; absorption; adaptation; assimilation; anabolism; assimilation (phonology)
same surname
alliance; union; league
cohabitation (usu. of a romantically involved couple); living together
same village; same town; same province
general resemblance; being largely the same; uniting with a common goal; Daidō era (806.5.18-810.9.19)
same root; same origin
same village; that village
fellow; mutual; companion; comrade
same; similar; (just) like; equal
all present; all concerned; all of us
agreement; consent; same opinion; same view; same meaning
sympathy; compassion; pity
just like; (virtually) no different from; (almost) the same as; as good as (e.g. dead, settled)
sympathy; agreement with; alignment; conformity; tuning
same feeling; same sentiment; same opinion; sympathy; agreement; concurrence
approval; endorsement
equality; equal; same rights; same rank; equivalence
identical; same; one and the same; fair; equal treatment; without discrimination
presence; sitting with; being with
the same generation; coeval
coexistence; living together
combination; union; incorporation; congruence
the same kind; accomplice; partner
same sex
same family (race, tribe)
the same opinion
same room; sharing a room; occupying the same room
same meaning; synonymy
same generation; one's generation
person in the same line of business; people in the same trade; the trade; the profession
the same rank; equality; apposition
same person; said person; the person in question; coterie; clique
same person; said person; the person in question; coterie; clique
same level; same extent
concentricity; same mind; unanimity; policeman; constable in the Edo period
same row; same line; same file; same rank; same level; same category
same year in school
same crime; being equally guilty
that year; same year; same age
same score; deadlock; tie; draw
same quality; same nature; homogeneous
going with; accompanying
same number
isomorphism; same shape; same type; same pattern
homosexuality; homosexual love
enclosing (e.g. with a letter)
the same age; same period
fellows; comrade; colleague; one's equal
fellow student
same trade; same business; same profession
the same firm
same name
party; company
the same grade; same class
the same amount
taking (someone) along
identically; in the (exact) same way; similarly
the said person; he; she; same surname
the same place; that place
same sort; same kind; same genus; homologous; congeneric
the same book; the said book; ibid.
same amount
the same place; the same address; the said place
the same rank; the same digit
of the same age; age-matched
same text; same wording; same script; same language
the said family; the same family
fellow countryman; compatriot; person from the same province; person from said country
same as above; ditto; ibid.
the same month
same school
as one flesh or body; simultaneously
the same ratio or percentage
the same clan
persons of the same age
lodging in the same place
arriving at the same moment
the person heretofore mentioned; that person
similar tastes
Eiroku-period swordsmithing school, named for a place in the old Higo province; sword of the Dotanuki school, usually thicker and heavier than regular Japanese swords; in fiction, a heavier variant of Japanese sword
affiliated; akin
same city
homophony; same pronunciation; unison; same pitch; (in) one voice; (speaking in) unison
difference; diversity; irregularity; disorder
same magazine
wrestlers from the same stable
assembly; meeting
the same occupation; the said occupation
the same meaning
sitting together; the same theater (theatre); involvement; entanglement; implication
working together
same as above; ditto; ibid.
the same prefecture
work by the same author (artist, etc.); work in the same style; same way of making
(logical) equivalence
the same sect
the same kind
the same store; the same shop
treating alike
the said (cabinet) minister; in-phase (component of a wave); homeomorphism
same room; sharing a room; sharers of a room; same prison cell; sharing a cell
the same school
same time (of day)
riding in the same car; same car
the same style; same school; common origin
the same town; that town
the same sickness
the same rights; equal rights
same axle; coaxial (cable)
the same newspaper
same class (at school)
the (above-mentioned) authorities; police (from said station)
the said ministry; the same ministry
same ward
law of identity (logic)
same law; the (said) law; same method; the (said) method
the said bureau; the same bureau
same temperament; same turn of mind
something of the same size; the said university
same word
the same political party
same sect; same faction
equal workmanship but different style
similar; of the same type
social integration (esp. of burakumin); assimilation; burakumin
common ancestor
the same character
the same faith
I strongly agree
broadcast; multi-destination delivery
same as on the left; (in vertical writing) same as below
same as on the left; (in vertical writing) same as below
the same event; no change (on the stock market)
the same committee
student at the same elementary school; graduate of the same elementary school
universal benevolence
harmonize but not agree (harmonise)
same meaning
being buried in the same grave
racial identity; same race
the same handwriting
(principle of) an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth; lex talionis; equal retaliation
the same interests
same plan; same idea; that plan; that idea
the same agency; the same office
fellow countrymen
same rhyme; rhyming
similarities and differences
the same parents
a country being in a state of universal peace; the world being peaceful and uneventful
kanji iteration mark
triple pung; winning hand containing the same pung in each of the three suits
different in appearance but essentially the same in content; equal in skills or workmanship but different in style or artistic flavor; the same for all practical purposes
kun homophone
fellow pilgrim; fellow practicer of austerities
common denominator
monoecy; monoecism
tie vote; equal number of votes for and against
same day (of the week)
point-to-point connection
General Epistles (James, Peter, Jude, John); Catholic Epistles; General Letters
triple run; winning hand containing the same chow in each of the three suits
pure double chow; winning hand containing two identical chows (i.e. same numbers and same suit)
rhyming word; rhyme
as good as new
isobar; isopiestic line
shots taken with camera in the same position
simultaneous interpretation
principle of nonalignment; nonalignment policy
(of) matching sign; (having a) matching sign
same age
Examples (1 in total)
The dam created the world's largest water supply reservoir at the time.