Verb (する)
1. agreement; consent; approval; assent
Adjective (の)
2. same opinion; same view
3. same meaning
Pitch accent
Composed of
the same; the said; likewise
feelings; thoughts; meaning
Used in vocabulary (10 in total)
the same opinion
letter of consent; letter of intent; agreement document
disagreement; disapproval; objection; dissent; non-consent
Examples (77 in total)
I'd agree.
I don't agree with either of you.
Am I the only one that doesn't agree with you?
I agree with both of you.
I can't go along with what you said.
A nod is a sign of agreement.
They agreed on a joint statement.
I cannot agree with you as regards that.
I'm in agreement on that matter.
Many people would agree with you.
He did not consent to his daughter's marriage.
I never agree with him.
It is certain that he will agree with us.
She agreed with my idea.
The teacher assented to our plan.
I agreed to the proposal.
I don't remember agreeing to that.
I will consent to the divorce.
It's strange that Ken doesn't agree with us.
Bob did not agree to the plan.
The plan has been agreed to in advance.
It is impossible, you know, to make him agree.
I can't go along with you on that point.
To some extent I agree with you.
I don't agree with that opinion.
Many people agreed with Mason.
I agree to go with him.
For this reason I cannot agree with you.
The question is whether he will agree with us.
I cannot agree with you on this.
We cannot agree with you on this point.
Without your consent, nothing can be done about it.
I don't agree with you on the matter.
The question is whether my parents will agree or not.
All of them agreed to the proposal.
He was foolish to agree to the plan.
Everyone agreed with my decision.
I refuse to consent to that plan.
I interpreted his silence as consent.
He smiled to express his agreement.
He tricked her into agreeing to his proposal.
I'll agree to the terms if you lower the price.
Frankly speaking, I don't agree with you.
He reluctantly agreed to my proposal.
I am going to do it whether you agree or not.
I don't completely agree with you.
I took it for granted that she would agree with me.
She reluctantly agreed to our proposal.
The whole school agreed to the proposal.
The management has agreed to have talks with the workers.
I interpreted your silence as consent.
Dick forced me to agree with his plan.
She is in partial agreement with this decision.
Even if I admit that, I cannot agree with you.
I nodded to show that I agreed.
He didn't agree with us about the matter.
I do not expect you to subscribe to my opinion.
They did not agree to bring down the price.
All the members of the committee consented to my proposal.
He consented to help the old lady.
I cannot agree with you on the matter.
My uncle was willing to agree to my suggestion.
Tom asked me if I agreed with him.
He got even his opponents to agree to the new economic plan.
My sponsor was willing to agree to my suggestion.
They said that they never agreed to do that.
They agreed to look into the causes of the accident.
Mr. Takahashi agreed to go with you.
I was unwilling to agree to the proposal, but it seemed that I had no choice.
I can't necessarily agree with you on that point.
The meeting was called off as there was no hope of agreement on either side.
Jack and I agreed to work at the office on Saturdays by turns.
The dictator forced the tribe to agree on the terms of surrender.
The surgeon persuaded me to undergo an organ transplant operation.
I agree with you that we need more women in this company.
I cannot agree to your proposal as regards the deadline.
I agreed to her suggestion that we meet again five years from then.