Verb (する)
1. independence; self-reliance; supporting oneself; being on one's own
2. independence (e.g. of a nation); freedom
3. separation; isolation
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (43 in total)
war for independence
declaration of independence
Examples (27 in total)
He is independent of his parents.
Elizabeth is independent of her parents.
He is certainly independent of his parents.
Our children are independent of us.
When did America become independent of England?
They shed their blood for their independence.
John wanted to be completely independent of his parents.
He is economically independent of his parents.
Our people thirst for independence.
It's about time you were independent of your parents.
To stand on your own two feet means to be independent.
Those young men are independent of their parents.
You are old enough to be independent of your parents.
Now that I have a job, I can be independent of my parents.
Teenagers want to be independent of their parents.
The people of America fought for their independence.
The colony has not declared independence as yet.
To stand on your own feet means to be independent.
Parents hope their children will become independent as soon as possible.
At that time, Mexico was not yet independent of Spain.
No nation can exist completely isolated from others.
The elder sons are now quite independent of their father.
Kenya became independent in 1963.
In 1847, they declared independence.
India gained independence from Britain in 1947.
In 1962, Algeria gained independence from France.
He said that America declared its independence in 1776.