1. difficulty; trouble; hardship
2. accident; disaster; danger
3. fault; defect
4. criticism
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (82 in total)
difficult to understand; unintelligible; abstruse
suffering; distress; hardship; trial
difficult problem; challenge
most difficult; next to impossible
perilous pass (on a route or journey); rough spot
full of troubles, difficulties
predicament; difficult situation
safe (e.g. choice); secure; innocuous; acceptable; passable; satisfactory
affliction; hardship; difficulty; suffering; trouble
peril; danger; hazard; distress
small misfortune
intractable (diseases); hard to cure; rebellious; insurgent; refractory
trouble with women
religious persecution
criticism; blame; censure; attack; reproach
steep; dangerous
to criticize; to point out faults; to speak ill of
fire calamity
great disaster; calamity
incurable illness
formidable enemy
sufferings; ordeals; agony; Passion (of Christ); crucifixion
incurable disease
great disaster; calamity
criticism; censure
barrier; obstacle; difficulty; hurdle; deadlock
perplexity; difficult question; difficult problem
to be a problem
misfortune; calamity
fault; weakness; flaw; crux (of a matter); difficult point; point of contention
(calamity of) perishing by the sword; being wounded by the sword
difficult matter or case
refugee; displaced person; person inconvenienced by (lack of something); person unable to satisfactorily (marry, shop, etc.)
degree of difficulty
to avoid misfortune; to escape danger
difficult situation
difficult case
hard problem; person hard to please; hard nut to crack
one difficulty; one danger
economic difficulties; financial difficulties; fiscal difficulties
food shortage; food scarcity; difficulty of obtaining food
drowning; flood; shipwreck
financial difficulties
difficulty of finding employment (due to a job shortage)
many obstacles; innumerable difficulties
difficulty; relative difficulty
difficult musical piece
uphill task; difficult undertaking (project)
difficult problem or question
shortage of capital; lack of funds; cash flow problem
all obstacles; all sorts of trouble
difficulties in living
the Seven Misfortunes; great number of faults or defects
calamity; evil; misfortune
abstruseness; abstruse word
difficult role
housing shortage
to meet with disaster
difficulty of getting into a college
indigestible; digestion-resistant; hard-to-digest
denunciation; criticism
the hardest thing of all
ball which is hard to hit or catch
sudden or unexpected disaster
being driven to the wall; finding oneself between the devil and the deep blue sea; finding oneself between a rock and a hard place
difficulty of obtaining
deaf person; hearing-impaired person
distress of war
suffering (from illness)
difficult sentence
difficult phrase
difficult reading of a kanji
difficult word
becoming more difficult (e.g. exam); increasing difficulty
labor shortage; labour shortage
(television or radio signal's) poor reception
difficult character; complicated kanji