1. obligation; duty; charge; responsibility
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (47 in total)
duty; responsibility (incl. supervision of staff); liability; onus
full-time service
being in office
entrusting (everything to); leaving (a matter) entirely with
dismissal (from a post); discharge; removal
person in charge; senior staff; manager; chief; head
serving concurrently as; holding the additional post of
resignation (from a position)
change of post
successive jobs; consecutive jobs
being appointed; bearing entrusted responsibilities
appointment; nomination; ordination; commission; designation
optional; voluntary; arbitrary; arbitrary
to appoint; to nominate; to assume (responsibility); to pose as
taking up a new post
newly appointed; inaugural
term of office
seniority; predecessor
trust; confidence; credence
former (incumbent); predecessor
appointment (to an office); investiture; commission
important task; important duty; important mission; heavy responsibility
one's place of appointment; one's post
to undertake a duty
nomination (of a person to a position); selection; election; assignment; appointment
regarding oneself (as); fancying oneself (as); seeing oneself (as); considering oneself (to be); pretension
remaining in office; staying in office; remaining at one's post
non-confidence; lack of confidence
to fulfill one's duty; to discharge one's duties
important duty; heavy responsibility; responsible post; reappointment
appointment; employment
appointment to office
appointments and dismissal
departure from office
imperial appointment
imperial appointment
unfitness; incompetency
present post
best qualified person; most suitable person
to be equal to the task; to be up to the job; to be capable of filling the post
non-permanent member (UN Security Council)
arrival at one's post
lacking a portfolio (of a minister of state, etc.)
agency; acting official
ordination; appointment to a post
remaining task; remaining duty; remainder of one's term of office; remaining tenure