1. heat
2. fever; temperature
3. zeal; passion; enthusiasm; mania; craze; rage
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (155 in total)
passion; enthusiasm; zeal
having a crush on someone; flushing
quantity of heat (e.g. in calories, BTU, etc.); heat value; calorific value; (degree of) enthusiasm; zeal; passion
becoming red hot; red heat; scorching heat; running high (of emotions); burning (with passion, enthusiasm, etc.)
high fever; pyro-
zeal; enthusiasm; ardor; ardour
white heat; incandescence; becoming excited; getting heated (e.g. of a discussion); reaching a climax
(attack of) fever; pyrexia
heating; application of heat
impassioned speech; fervent speech
ardour (ardor); passion
fever; febrile disease
heat source
heated (e.g. debate); passionate
slight fever
sweltering heat
love passionately; ardent love; devotion
superheating; overheating
normal temperature
waste heat; remaining heat; residual heat
teething fever; developmental fever; fever that brings with it an intellectual or psycho-developmental growth spurt
extreme passion; wild enthusiasm
frictional heat
geothermal energy; terrestrial heat
geothermal energy; terrestrial heat
thermal runaway; overheating
medicine for reducing fever; antifebrile; antipyretic; febrifuge
thermal energy; heat energy
remaining heat; waste heat
body heat
heat of summer
hot-air balloon
tertian malaria (causing a fever that recurs every second day)
puerperal fever
cold and heat; chills and fever
coldness and hotness; cooling and heating; indifference and enthusiasm; prosperity and decline; cold energy (e.g. in power generation)
dengue fever
the heat of food just after cooking
radiant heat; photothermal
heat treatment
degree of heat; temperature; enthusiasm
preheat (oven, etc.); warm up (engine, etc.)
vaporization heat; vaporisation heat
heat conduction
thermal expansion
heat death (i.e. of the universe)
miliary fever; (English) sweating sickness; sweating disease; polyhidrosis; polyidrosis; sudor anglicus
thermal efficiency
extreme heat
radiant heat
thermal radiation
theory of heat; thermal science; thermology
heat (from a flame)
thermal conductivity
intense heat
specific heat
an intermittent fever
pharyngoconjunctival fever
thermonuclear reaction
ardent desire
heat-sensitive paper; thermal paper
West Nile fever
intense heat
normal temperature
heat barrier
hemorrhagic fever
recurrent fever
Lassa fever
keeping the head cool and feet warm
rheumatic fever
rheumatic fever
heat thunderstorm
speculation fever
heat engine; thermomotor
heat capacity
trench fever
being lowered (of a fever)
Malta fever (variety of brucellosis caused by the bacteria Brucella melitensis)
law of thermodynamics; laws of thermodynamics
recurrent fever
thermal diffusion
heat exchanger
pharyngoconjunctival fever
pyrolysis; thermolysis; thermal decomposition; thermal cracking
religious fervour; religious enthusiasm
thermal neutron
baseball fever; enthusiasm for baseball
solution heat
the heat of fusion
thermal fatigue (e.g. in structures); heat exhaustion
thermohaline circulation
sensible heat
chikungunya fever
chikungunya fever
heat recovery; thermal recycling
Rocky Mountain spotted fever
hay fever; pollinosis (allergy to pollen)
hardener (catalyst in hardening thermosetting materials)
thermal expansion coefficient
mononucleosis; glandular fever
heat of neutralization (neutralisation)
evaporation heat
summer fever
heat of dilution
thermal pollution
Izumi fever (resembles scarlet fever)
heat sensitizer; heat sensitiser
thermal nucleus
molar heat
heat of dissociation
cold political relations but hot economic relations (often said about China-Japan relations)
trench fever
heat of sublimation
heat exhaustion
heat exhaustion
thermal printer
thermal wax transfer printer
thermal low; heat low
heat fixing; heat setting
heat loss; thermal loss
residual heat removal; RHR
thermal noise
Japanese spotted fever
potential heat; residual heat
Zika fever
thermophilic bacteria; thermophile
thermophile; thermophilic bacteria
hog cholera; swine fever
heat pump
thermal engineering
Examples (54 in total)
My fever won't go away.
The fever has abated.
Do you have a fever?