1. (period of) a year
2. during an era
Pitch accent
Composed of
year; counter for years (e.g. of an era), grades (e.g. school); period of an apprentice's contract (usu. ten years)
interval; period of time; among; between; good opportunity; chance
Used in vocabulary (8 in total)
(period of) one year
several years
Examples (83 in total)
I lived abroad for ten years.
Tom and I didn't speak to each other for three years.
I have lived in this village for the past ten years.
He continued his research for a further ten years.
She has remained in her present position for ten years.
They lived together for two years before they got married.
Tom has been studying French for the last three years.
This car was selected the "car of the year".
I've been keeping a diary in French for the last three years.
They disputed the ownership of the land for years.
I've been keeping a diary for three years, but I'm thinking it's probably time for me to stop.
Although I have been studying Chinese for 2 years, there are still a lot of words I do not know.
The Japanese have tried to learn the Western way of thinking and feeling for the past hundred years.
I was a teacher for fifteen years.
It's because he lived in the United States for five years.
He lived in Ankara for six years.
I have known her for two years.
I've worked here for ten years.
She taught music for thirty years.
Elementary school children go to school for a term of six years.
The team won the championship for five years running.
I've studied Japanese for five years.
This has been the trend for the past twenty years.
He was in the army for thirty years.
I have been studying German for two years.
This passport is valid for five years.
She has been out of work these two years.
He lived in Matsue for seven years.
The payment will be deferred for two years.
This TV set has a two year guarantee.
The town has altered a lot in the last two years.
This tree has been standing for five decades.
My family has lived here for thirty years.
We have lived in Tokyo for six years.
I worked as a teacher for fifteen years.
For 32 years, I've been living in suffering!
She lived there about five years.
He has worked in this factory for 11 years.
I have practiced piano every day for fifteen years.
This museum has been closed for five years.
Professor Kay has been studying insects for forty years.
The chairperson has been associated with the organization for ten years.
My uncle lived in Washington, D. C. for two years.
Boston has grown rapidly in the last ten years.
He said that he had been in California for ten years.
He taught English for two years in Serbia.
Our company has annual sales of a billion yen.
Johnny kept planting apple seeds for 46 years.
The reign of Philip II lasted forty years.
This car has been used for the past ten years.
I have not been sick for the past ten years.
This is the coldest winter that we have had in thirty years.
I haven't bought a new coat in five years.
He went to Paris, where he lived for five years.
Mr Takagi, who's lived here 16 years, was also surprised.
We have dealt with this store for 16 years.
We will have lived here for ten years at the end of this month.
He had the privilege of studying abroad for two years.
His mother has been running a drugstore for fifteen years.
We have kept in constant touch for twenty years.
For three hundred years they have farmed the surrounding land.
Poland ceased to exist as a nation for 120 years.
The manufacturer guaranteed the new machine for 5 years.
The unemployment rate dropped to a five-year low in January.
We had lived there for ten years when the war broke out.
After I graduated from college, I spent two years traveling around the world.
After he had graduated from the university, he taught English for two years.
He had been there for ten years before he came to Kyoto.
We lived in Osaka for ten years before we came to Tokyo.
My uncle will have been in New York for two years next month.
The king reigned over his people for forty years.
We will have lived in Kyoto for eight years next March.
I had lived in Sendai for ten years before I came to Tokyo.
He has worked for the welfare of his people for 30 years.
A trip to America was equivalent to a two-year salary for her.
Mr Thompson had lived in Tokyo for two years before he went back to Scotland.
He had been living in Nagano for seven years when his daughter was born.
By next April you will have studied English for ten years.
I have written to him once a month for almost twenty years.
I will have been studying English for six years by the end of next month.
I had lived in Osaka for eighteen years when I moved to Tokyo.
By the time he retires, my father will have worked for almost thirty years.
He ruled for five years. In the sixth year, another king, who was stronger than he, waged war against him.