Verb (する)
1. nembutsu; nenbutsu; nianfo; prayer to Amitabha Buddha
2. visualizing a Buddha (in one's mind)
Pitch accent
Composed of
sense; idea; desire; concern; attention; care
Buddha; Buddhism
Used in vocabulary (14 in total)
to chant (repeat) the name of Buddha
being deep in prayer; praying devoutly to Amida Buddha
empty words
loudly reciting Amithaba's name
chanting an invocation (to Amida Buddha); reciting a prayer
Buddhist incantation using chanting, drumbeating, and dancing
preaching to the deaf; (lit.) reading the nenbutsu into a horse's ear
passing away peacefully to be reborn in Paradise through invocation of Amitabha
Buddhist incantation using chanting, drumbeating, and dancing
empty words
recitation of Amida Buddha's name on a specified day and time period (practice of Pure Land Buddhists)
secret Jōdo Shinshū sect of Buddhism (practised in Kyushu in the Edo period)
contemplation (on Amida Buddha, the Pure Land, etc.)
Yuzu Nembutsu (school of Pure Land Buddhism)